combining products


What about a possibility to combine the products/items you find? So certain combinations (as in town vs. town thread: molotov cocktail = bottle + cotton + alcohol (sugar?) + match) would give new products/weapons/items?

Maybe even: if you have cotton/wool and certain skills you could make your own clothing?


Yea, this has been said many times but the suggestion gets forgotten easily.


I couldn't find it with search, and by looking in the forum's - that's why I suggested it ;)


I like it. Make creating items a job at a building in town where maybe for the really good items you need to hire someone who skill is specialized to create them, allowing a new niche for people to fill and enjoy.


good idea, fine motor skills and repairing would be the main skills needed and you will have to build a workshop at which each level enables you to make different things and say 1 leather + 4 cotton = 1 brown ragged shirt, but you could also add other things to change the colour of the shirt eg berries make it red, a glass of water makes it blue etc. and for the higher end stuff you need like 8 or more leather and loads of cotton or wool or whatever, i do like the idea but needs a lot of thought into it


I was thinking perhaps to increase the Goods level of a store you had to bring so much of certain items to the store. Once enough were brought to your store would then be able to sell new things. e.g. Bringing in 50 horse shoes would allow your General Store to offer horses. 1st level of goods is free, and each building addition allows three more goods. Maybe you could even have some control over the goods offered by deciding which items you bring in.


I said something along the lines of your idea big john a long time ago.


I like the idea as well. I certainly have more cotton than I know what to do with. :) I think I would like a blanket. How to do it would be the question. I doubt the game designers even have anything close to use item A on item B. Not sure how difficult it would be to implement something like that. Maybe another job, 'Crafting' with skill requirements like (as mentioned above) fine motor skills, repair, things like that. Perhaps having raw materials like cotton, wool, wood and such make it more to succeed or possibly a seperate requirement to even attempt. Adding item requirement or bonus would be interesting on quite a jobs actually. I may only have x skill points in the Hunting Turkey job but I have a shotgun, that has to count for something! :) When it comes to chopping trees I only have 8 vigor but I have a +4 steel chainsaw! Ok. That is just silly, but you get my drift, and for that I apologize. :) (drifts to the left)


Yes, I agree that this would be a great aspect to the game if it was implemented. Cause honestly, just being able to sell the items is pretty lame.


I like this idea...
I also like the idea of the Market being a kind of 'storehouse' for your items: where you place place items on the shelf for resale by other adventurers. Or store them for later use... This would open an new economic play in the game.

And to prevent players from short-routing quests, if they do not have enough Labor Points to work the job that would allow them to find the items on thier own, then they cannot buy those items...


Or maybe just charge a ridiculously high labor fee. In world two, all my points went to strength. She's a builder. She can't do certain quest things, so if she could just buy them... It would be easier for me, even if I had to pay a lot for the items.