CLOSED:Damaging Forts

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I think that it might be a good idea to consider the idea of the possibility of damaging a fort.

A battle, and the subsequent gunfire, can cause damage that can need repair.

I propose that a fort battle have a chance to (accidentally) damage some parts of the fort, requiring subsequent reconstruction.

I further propose that a losing fort battle require even MORE repairing, as it would seem that some parts of the fort were intentionally damaged, allowing intruders to enter, etc.

I further propose that it be possible for an owner of a fort to intentionally damage or raze their own fort.

I am sure that there will be a down side to this.

Your thoughts?


>>I further propose that it be possible for an owner of a fort to intentionally damage or >>raze their own fort.
Sounds horrible to me.
So let's say, a extremely anti-social town (or alliance) can simply take others' fort and simply raze it down to nothing; and when the original owners got it back, they have to do it all over again. Then when the construction finished after timeless days of collecting materials and building, that town attacks again and turns their hard work in vain....... I'll let you imagine the rest.

I like the other parts though, like 10 woods required to repair a small fort's wall, 15 for medium and 20 for large, I will support this kind of idea.

Deleted User - 1278415

dcgincc, Your idea is listed in the roadmap thread.

Even though it states town/building... I'm sure it will include the fort at some point as well. And if not then it will be further discussed then.

Town/building deterioration
Buildings with high levels deteriorate over time

  • More use for builders
  • No limitation for new towns
  • Money gets pulled out of the world
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