Camp Cougar [Currently Recruiting]


A new training camp has been created for those who need to save money, free sleep, etc.

Please ask Sam Solo for an invitation.


I got good news and better news. The good news: Camp Cougar has been abandoned so you can take it if you like: There's a hotel, a General Store, and a Tailor there (all at level 1. Can't remember if there's a mortician or not)
So feel free to take over it, and have it as an outpost or your own private town (whichever one works for you)

And the better news is that there is better town open for members:

Miracle Ranch!!!

It has a level 3 General Store, a level 1 gunsmith and hotel. And this one has a mortician (good news for duelers-to-be)

So, ask Sam Solo for an invitation (in World 2, not the forums)

Miracle Ranch has a donkey AND a pony. And if you join, their price will be cut to a piece. An offer a beginner cannot refuse. so hurry now!
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