

gonna go builder here. Started a little late on 1 and 2 but am very active.


I also plan to make a builder here on world 3. So if anyone is in need for services just send me a telegram.


My construction is at 27 right now. Will be 31 in 2 hours. I look forward to helping build a town!


We accept "pure" builders only with only fine motor skills, repairing, tactics, and construction leveled individually. (Not counting attribute points.)

We are organizing to be the top dueling town of W3, and already have 6 "pure" duelers siged up. Obviously, we need workers as well to construct buildings. Our town is like heaven for workers. Free sleep, free protection by the world's top duelers, constant money flowing from our duelers into the treasury for your building, and a great community. This is why we only take the best workers as well as the best of the best duelers. If you think you're up for it, apply on the thread.