Britannia- a town with commitment


My town has been through some hard times, my town was certainly never a boom at the 417th built but we grew in the rankings anyway. We've lost many players and few will join us but my heroic band has held strong. With only 7 members(only 4 of these donating) we have the highest ranking in consideration to player points, at around 700 and a ranking of 178, we are surrounded by towns with 2500+ player points often twenty of thirty players in them. But despite this we have not dropped, no, unbelievably we have grown in rankings! However this is not easy and as anyone who's tried will tell you looking for members to join is hard and unrewarding and the few that will lead you on only to ignore you afterwards are the ones i dont forget. But are ranking and the incredible speed at which the few of us have been able to keep building (this is where we get are points from seeing as we have one committed dueler and a heavily negative mortician) should show to you that this is a town that could truly with some support become a flourishing center, the only thing we lack is players :sad:,

Thank you

Requirement: Active players
LVL 10+
Any class/build is welcome, however only designated builders can build.
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This man speaks the truth, the town is in a good position for fort fights but can't get anywhere without a few good fighters - do you qualify?