Biggest Stack


Pinched the idea for this thread from the one in world 4.

Basically, post your claims for biggest stakc of items in your inventory.

I'd love to get it started with a big claim, but I have only very recently stopped selling all of my items, so my biggest stack is 28 nails!


I have two berries and two trouts :>



Well i dont know how you all got those pictures of what you got on there....but my bigest stacks are
Wood 107
iron rods 96
granit 56


Well i dont know how you all got those pictures of what you got on there

If you upload your inventory to, you can get them from there. Or you can use your inevntory and just show the numerous stacks :)

If you copy the picture into paint, you can resize it and then upload it to image shack.


81 song books
73 cigars
57 buffalo skins

I only have 20 silver because I sold some a while back and I never do it anymore.