"Best" fort fighter formula


Here's my first try:

Base damage dealt+base damage taken+ number of hits *100 + number of dodges *50+ number of hits taken *30

I fed a sniper and a tank's stats through this, here's the result.

That gives a pretty hefty advantage to the tank, so i retooled it.

Base damage dealt+base damage taken*.75+ number of hits *100 + number of dodges *50+ number of hits taken *30
4493+7822.5+1400+750+990= 15455

This formula does favor tanks who get hurt over tanks who do not. If you go the whole battle without taking damage and only doing 5k damage, the tank that died, taking 10340 damage, will pass you.

I saw someone else made a thread looking for a formula, but it got closed due to fighting. What do you guys think of this formula? What changes would you suggest?


What's to understand?

Base damage dealt+base damage taken+ number of hits *100 + number of dodges *50+ number of hits taken *30


If you mean the choice of stats, hmmm...

Dodges and hits taken are good, and so is dodges being weighted more heavily than hits taken since a dodge is one more hit you can take, but including damage taken seems unnecessary and redundant. Health is the most important skill, but as far as an individual battle goes, if someone with lower hp outdodges a 10k hp soldier, he should get full credit for his dodging and not be penalized for having fewer hp.


Nice battle, elmyr!
Health was included to give tanks, which usually have a pretty low hit rate, somewhat of an equalizer to snipers.
Base damage dealt+base damage taken*.5(IE, base damage taken divided by 2)+ number of hits *100 + number of dodges *100+ number of hits taken *30

What would you think of that?


Thanks. :p

It would help balance soldiers with duelers, but I think it would give them too much of an edge against workers and advents.


Hm, it does that. I'll start thinking of a way to balance duelers against workers and adventurers.
Base damage dealt+base damage taken*.5+ number of hits *100 + number of dodges *50+ number of hits taken *30
UNLESS worker or adventurer then
Base damage dealt+base damage taken+ number of hits *100 + number of dodges *50+ number of hits taken *30
EDIT: on second thought, that isn't really a good formula at all. Favors tank advents and workers of sniper advents and workers.

Another option for duelers:
Base damage dealt*.75+base damage taken*.5+ number of hits *100 + number of dodges *50+ number of hits taken *30
For non-duelers:
Base damage dealt+base damage taken*.5+ number of hits *100 + number of dodges *50+ number of hits taken *30

Thought about this some more, and that gives soldiers an advantage.

This is a little more fair:
For duelers:
Base damage dealt*.75+base damage taken*.5+ number of hits *100 + number of dodges *100+ number of hits taken *30
For workers/adventurers
Base damage dealt+base damage taken*.5+ number of hits *100 + number of dodges *100+ number of hits taken *30
For soldiers:
Base damage dealt+base damage taken*.25+ number of hits *100 + number of dodges *100+ number of hits taken *30
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Well-Known Member
soldiers have their hp, adventurers their ghosting, duelers their crits. the only real advantage workers have is their tower and u only get that half the time, or less really. i think in any generic formula a worker has no chance


Ghosting doesn't have any appreciable affect on the stats shown at the end of the battle, though. It doesn't give them more dodges, more hits, or more damage, so really, workers are ever so slightly stronger in that regard, as their sector bonus does havean affect on damage, dodge, and hits.