belle star's deringer


i found out the new time
but could not defeat that guy
can you tell me how to defeat that guy with out weapon
i am very close to it!
please send me how to defeat him


increase dodge and aim and keep trying. Look at the reports and where you aim and dodge and switch accordingly.


whats happened to this quest? It dont appear any more like it used to....I did all the same stuff. did the time change? if so to when? HELP..


Time changed. People who know the new time, are not allowed to post it. So try to find it out by yourself.


Well-Known Member
No - you wont be banned, LOL

the mods will just remove the post or the time from the post and possibly send you off with a warning, i have never heard of anyone being Infracted for posting information on the forums, but mind you - the mods are super active and extra-vigilant!, lol

as for dodging and reflex, both are quite similar in the fact that you need to invest high amounts of skill points into these skills to make them work well. you need high dodging to overcome your opponent's aim, which will usually be quite hgh, reflex works well against ranged weapons, but you need to put a lot into it to make it a success

in all, i would say that dodging is better - reflex works on mostly ranged, partly on melee and gives very few jobs, on the other hand, dodging works on all types of duelers and is effective in fort battles as well


If if the first time he breaks the spoiler rule, then he gets a warning. Repeating it will get him points. Accumulating enough points will get him temporary banned.

Reflex and dodge are not the same. Reflex is for resistance duelers. Resistance duelers have high toughness and reflex and low dodging and aim.


let me conclude

resistance duelers should put points in reflex and other duelers should put points in dodging

ok thanks

so can we mail the people in the game or outside


Well-Known Member
It's not necessary for non-resistance fighters to put points into dodging - several like me and latigo go with only apperance, aim and shooting/vigot

others, like PA soldiers (Dubb is a good exaple) use high tactics, it's best to become a "dodger" when you're high lvl (like 99), so that your growth is not slowed down due to lack of jobs

as for the other question - can you be a bit more specific? - you got me stumped, LOL


sorry i am in a hurry
i am talking about telling quest secrets in the game or outside is a mistake or it is not a mistake


As long as the secret is not publicly posted where other players can see, you can write about it as much as you want. You can use private messages or the town forum IF the town people agree that they want to know and you don't spoil their fun.
In my own town I asked people if they want to know about belle star's deringer, they all said yes and I made a thread on the town forum with all the requirement. As long as you make sure that all the receivers want to know, is ok.