Attacking Concept


I don't particularly like the fact that we are required to be part of a town if we wish to attack other players. Attacking is the bread and butter of nearly all games right? There should be an alternative in addition to dueling.

There was mention of in-game chat with players in your vacinity (within x distance of your current position). This method could be used as a standard way of attacking other players. Of course other standard restrictions apply such as player level etc.

For something like this to occur it would most likely mean that there would need to be intervals between our image appearing on the map. Instead of the player icon going from A(beginning)--------->B(end) it would go something like A--->1--->2--->B to allow people to 'intercept' enemies in their travels.

Weapon-wise it could be an idea to divide them into meelee for attacking, fire-arm for dueling. I mainly got this idea when I dueled in that quest with a jug... Dueling with a jug?

Thinking about this idea more (I got these ideas a while ago) there may be problems with a great deal of people attacking each other alllllllllllll the time which may just get annoying. To fix this (if we all agree its a problem) then we could use rules such as:
1) No attacking players at a jobsite.
2) Put a somewhat heavy stamina cost for attacking other players

This may also open the door for people to be career 'baddies' who spend their time attacking other players rather then working.

By all means criticise and etc. I don't expect this idea to go ahead but I'm hoping it sparks someone elses imagination into a better idea. My main beef is that we shouldn't be required to join a town to attack another player.


Since this is an RPG then the bread and butter of the game is the society. => joining a town. When you do this you can duel ;)


Well for me my opinion is 50/50 on this..

Yes at first i agree that they should have designed the game so that you can attack other players..But then again that could turn out into a robbery not a duel..but the again would be a nice addition to add realism to the from what i get a duel has someone who over sees the fight like a judge so all is fair..

Now with dueling in a town i think that you are right you should not be part of a town to challenge somebody to a duel..specially if they have a mortician for there are already judges to that fight..but then again they cant challenge you only you without a town can come and and challenge them.Just a thought..


well let say then that a whole town attacks you because they can ??


There are loads of other ideas floating around like 'gangs' 'camps' 'ranches' 'outlaws'
so far all of these concepts all involve the idea that you dont need to be part of a town to attack someone else.

for example in gangs, its a group going round together robbing people,
camps is when you dont want to sleep in a town, however you have a higher risk of being attacked
ranches is an alternitive to towns altogether
and outlaws are enhanced gangs


Hmmm why not some NPC gangs to do a quest or a few quests on?
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NPC = non-player character

In other words, a computer generated character like the four people in the quest saloon.


I envision a town full of NPC's :)

Until then ill wait and play god on Oblivion (you deserve to die - Fireball to their face)


I agree that we shouldnt have to be in a town.. they could set level limits on who you can attack below you, and make it so you can only be attacked once every so often. That would stop the raping of one person.. and adding a heavy energy cost would stop multiple attacks during the day.. and if they made fighting less profitable then most people would only use it as a means of revenge or leveling


no, i think that fighting needs to be profitable otherwise there is no motivation at all.

but the bit about not being able to be attacked so quickly: ''and make it so you can only be attacked once every so often. That would stop the raping of one person.. and adding a heavy energy cost would stop multiple attacks during the day.. ''
that is a great idea.
every computer game in the world has that concept.

ie on mario; when you get killed, you become transparent for a while, giving you time to get yourself into a more stable position.


and make it so you can only be attacked once every so often. That would stop the raping of one person

That's already true of this game. Read the help. You cannot attack the same person more than once per hour and you cannot attack someone who has passed out in the last 48 hours.