ATM Machines

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TVs and computers!..
So that our character can manage himself and we won't need to log on daily :p


Atms lol good one Elmyr then the thieves would have to bring a band of horses and a good rope to steal my cash.


^or they must have to hack the security code of ATM too advanced a new charcter class Hacker or Secret Agents


Maybe we should also have stocks! So you could just sleep in your hotel all of the time and get rich! Until the economy drops then you're poor. . . :laugh:


^or they must have to hack the security code of ATM too advanced a new charcter class Hacker or Secret Agents

um too complicated. anyway I say no. There wasn't any ATMs back then. i would want gernades and chainsaws instead of ATMs.


Grrr..Some people just take this thread too seriously *coughs*

How sharp stones??..
They were used in stone age :p
And what about TNTs??..
Or nukes?..


Elmyr is a post count *****,..So am I.
He created and posted here to increase his post count..I am doing the same!..

There should be a job 'Transporting Nuclear Bombs' with a danger percentage of 99.9%..

And the damage can be 'One of the 6 bombs blasted. You pass out. No one was left to tell what happened to you.'


Or something like this-
'An indian shoots at one of the bomb thinking it was a deer (which could be his dinner that night)..He died XXXXXX.(Everyone died)..
'A turkey tries to bite the bomb....[B0000M..bash!].It became a 'roasted turkey', which could be eaten by the species left on the planet.


New job Playing the west
"you played too much computer blasts you lose -50000 health points"
Cleaning toilets
"you get flushed lose -99999999999999 health points"


New job-
Stealing cash from ATM..
'The machine pops out a dynamite at you,.. Everything turns into ash..Even you!
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