Armageddon City II


Armageddon City (the 8th town completed)

Armegeddon City's sister town is recruiting. We have several pure builders that will finish this town even faster that the first town. We are in the top row 7th square from the right or 4th from the left. We are in the bottom left corner. Even if you are not anywhere near us, it is worth the trip. When ever you need to go shopping you can always head over to the main town and shop there, it is complete.
We are accepting anyone over lvl 10.

contact vvdelta and tell him I sent you.


Our town is almost complete. All we have left is the gunsmith and bank, 3 levels each. We are recruiting adventurers/soldiers/duelers lvl 10+

Stop in and browse the stores, we have some fine items. Have a drink in the saloon. Stay overnight if you like. You may decide to stay on. If so contact me or one of the other town counselors.
