??Are there any KIWIS on this Game??


Dissolve the Union!

In 1776, the founding fathers of our once-great nation declared their independence from the rule of the king of England. Their reasons were simple – the king had usurped their rights as Englishmen and had placed them under the authority of a legislative body in which they had no representation. The charters of the colonies placed them under the direct authority of the king and nowhere mentioned any governing by parliament. By subjecting the colonies to the acts of parliament, particularly taxation, fundamental rights that had been long given to Englishmen were now being violated.
By failing to carry out his duties in the colonial charters and by allowing additional regulation by parliament, the king of England had effectively broken his contracts with the colonies. They were now free and independent states and fought to prove it.
The central government of the United States of America is guilty of the same misgoverning as the king of England was. Our contract – the Constitution – has been broken. The rights of the states and their citizens have been violated and we have been placed under the authority of a legislative body in which we have no representation; a body which even by exercising legislative powers has broken the contract between the central government and we the people. By legislating from their bench the justices of the American judicial system have become tyrants – able to change the laws of our land without any checks or balances. This is a role which our founding fathers never intended them to play. As Chief Justice Morrison R. Waite once said, “Our branch of government [the judicial system] cannot encroach on the domain of another without danger. The safety of our institutions depends in no small degree on a strict observance of this salutary rule.”
In the preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America we are told that the Constitution was penned to establish justice. The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution guarantees that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without the due process of the law. These tenants of the Constitution have been broken every day as a result of the Supreme Court ruling – or more properly, Supreme Court legislation – Roe vs. Wade.
The Supreme Court has extended the powers of the central government to such an extent that it can no longer be said that we have a federal form of government. Our government has become a unitary system – the central government possesses all of the power and the state and local governments are merely an extension of the central government.
With the expansion of power comes many violations of the Tenth Amendment. In landmark cases such as Garcia vs. San Antonio Metropolitan Authority, which ruled that state governments had to comply with the same minimum wage and maximum-hour legislation as was required for federal employees by the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Supreme Court has given Congress almost unlimited reign over the states.
Many Congressional act and regulatory agencies interfere in areas which, according to the Tenth Amendment, should be left to the state and local governments to control. All powers not delegated to the central government in the Constitution are to be left to the states! Any actions otherwise are in direct violation of the Constitution. Congressional legislation such as the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, the Liability Act of 1980; the Water Quality Act of 1965; and the Americans with Disabilities Act, in which the exact angle of handicap ramps was negotiated, are a few examples of Congress governing in affairs in which they have no right to govern. If state and local governments are not even in control of the construction of their own sidewalks, what are they other than puppets of the central government?
The policies of the New Deal, the Fair Deal, and the New Frontier adopted by Congress all show Congress’s great disrespect of staying within the bounds of the powers that are delegated to them in the Constitution. The Motor Voter Act is a perfect example of the Congress showing a complete disregard even for matters that are clearly outlined in the Constitution. Elections and voter registration are clearly stated in the Constitution to be matters regulated by state governments. However, we as Americans have become so accustomed to the federal government stepping in to “fix” things that the question of state rights hardly even enters our minds anymore.
Government regulatory agencies such as the FDA, OSHA, the EPA, and the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) often have no regard for state rights or our rights as citizens of the United States and are more concerned with expanding their own power than helping people obey government regulations. Furthermore, these federal agencies exercise authority in areas in which the federal (or central) government has no Constitutional authority to regulate.
Agencies such as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives and the FBI have shown immense disrespect for our bill of rights. To cite an example, the incident in Ruby Ridge, Idaho, will do perfectly. In 1992, U.S. marshals were sent to arrest Randy Weaver for failing to appear in court on charges of violating federal firearm laws. The marshals entered Weaver’s property from the woods rather than from the road and were dressed in camouflage and armed with machine guns. As they advanced through the woods they saw Weaver’s son, Sammy (who was fourteen years old), and Kevin Harris, a friend of the family, both carrying hunting rifles and following a dog. The dog discovered the marshals and one of them shot it. Sammy shot back at the unidentified attackers and in the resulting firefight both Sammy and a U.S. marshal were killed. The marshals retreated and assaulted again the next day with the FBI. In the attack Weaver was wounded and his wife was killed by a snipers bullet while she was standing in the doorway of her cabin holding a child. In the lawsuit that followed, Weaver was awarded 3.1 million dollars, but the FBI never acknowledged their guilt.
Furthermore, in the assault on the Branch Dividian Cult in Waco, Texas, half of the casualties were children. From these examples – and there are many more – it should be clear that these government agencies have greatly abused the unconstitutional powers that they have been delegated
By controlling areas of our lives that the central government has no jurisdiction in, the Congress of the United States has broken its contract with the American people. By giving unconstitutional powers to agencies that have no regard for our bill of rights, the legislative and executive branches of the United States government have broken their contract with the American people. By out stepping their Constitutional role of interpreting the law by legislating from the bench, the judicial branch has violated its contract with the American people. By allowing millions of Americans to be deprived of life before they are even born – and therefore violate the Fifth Amendment – the central government has broken its contract with the American people.
Therefore, the Constitution of the United States ought to be null and void. The states of this Union ought to dissolve their bonds of unity and again take their places among the nations of the world. The central government which these states have united themselves under has failed them; thus, these states ought to be free and independent nations, and as such should be able to (as our the fathers of the American Republic said) “levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which INDEPENDENT STATES may of right do.”

written by, Justin Michael
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youre kinnat not a kiwi but ok i will just started playing it again





Like this:

I couldn't make the picture bigger...:dry:
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Since the political thread has been closed, we'll have to discuss this here.

Who among us are anti-federalists?


Me. I hate socialism and Communism and Nazism and Marxism and... You get the point...



No but Really Communism its a Party... wont bother looking for the pic



The Declaration of Independence tells us in its first paragraph that "it is the right of the people to alter or abolish" that government which is destructive of their rights. Now let me ask you a question. As a citizen under a federal government, how are you going to abolish your government if it becomes destructive of your rights? The answer is, "I can't." Who would you fight? You couldn't overthrow your state or local government if they infringe upon your rights, or the federal (or central government's) army would be there to stop you. You cant overthrow your federal (or central) government unless your state (or whatever local body you belong to) secedes. That's not going to happen - they're in bed with the feds. This is why federalism is a evil form of government. The federal (or central) government always ends up coercing the local government's powers away from them by using grants, mandates, activist judges, or other means. They don't want to and won't share power with them.


You are correct in what you said, however I believe it is possible to get a state secede. Many of our forefathers weren't sure if we would be able to secede from England, but we did. England was the greatest power in the world at that time, but we still defeated them. Patrick Henry said, "The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us." Wether we believe it is possible or not, it must be done! It is our responsibility as American citizens to provide the next generation with freedom!


sup mate

hi mate i have started a new account my name is now called sir serpent
i am now in world 7 and 8 so yea.my town is called love guru.


Sooo... Any kiwis out there?

Looking for some loyal new zealanders to start up a town with on world 12. Just joined that world to reminisce about what it was like to be a greenhorn again - and world two seems to have got really quiet..