Any tips for newcommers?


Hey guys, and just started, and not very sure what i should do to lvl up, any tips?



:Dhi just do your quests and this will help you level up. if you want you can join our town its called Lacrimosa crags we are a bunch of friendly people and can help at all times.:)


Nashy (as himself)
Wait until the next new world opens up and then join that as soon as possible (opening dates are given out). Start off by doing quests and put all your skills close together, it doesn't have to be pure but make sure your skills work together in future jobs.

Then just join a town, put some of your money into the treasury and save up for the best items you can get for the jobs you have in mind.


Map out a long term plan for your character and stick to it. So becoming a trapper / hiding guy / dueler / fine motor skills etc. Don't be too much of a generalist - you need to specialize a good bit to get decent jobs.


The best thing you can do if you are really a newbie is to befriend a high level guy that will advice you in your gaming.


i'd say the best thing to do as a newbie, besides befriending an experienced player, to look stuff up like jobs on, and check out the character classes. figure out what you want your build to be early on in the game. character class quests, character bonuses, and the jobs you want to be able to do are very important.
you'll get to being able to do a job faster if you add skills to a skill that is doubled in that job. i'd suggest high exp. jobs, cause the higher your level, and the more skill points you have, the more money you earn.

and if you want to be a constructor (lots of high exp. job), then beware of dueling - many builders complain about it.


if you just now joined w1... practice here and use for reference on various things. Wait until a new world first opens, and use your experience to race towards a top rank there.

I started playing w1 about a month or so after everyone else, sometimes I wish I would have played w2 or w3 instead, but I have found friends here that I cannot forget. That said, please read my previous paragraph again.


Become a dueler. Starting late may ensure you won't be #1, but you can duel the people who are high up and make them complain here on the forums, leading to my amusement.


Thanks all for your support, and no phil, not yet will i become a dueler, im a worker
And can you leave a town?


You can leave a town by clicking town hall and when that screen opens up cick on residents button. When that screen opens on the bottom right there should be a leave town option. Click that.


Well, Dsad, I think you've already acted on a good tip.
You've joined the forum, and we can give you plenty of advice.

If you're wondering about game mechanics, you can go to questions and guides,
and if you're wondering about players or towns in world 1, you can make a thread here.

Jamrocker was right when he said to specialize.
If you want to join the crowd, I recommend putting a lot of your skill points in hiding.

I don't play world 1, so I can't help you in-game, however.