Ace High - Recruiting



A friendly and active town is looking for nice and active players to join us.
Our aim is to be a good town and we are currently ranked 20.
We have a construction crew with our best workers and there will be a Sheriff soon for the duel activities.
There will be no rotations.

Our Buildings
Town hall 4
Residences 6

Bank 3
Hotel 4
Gunsmith 3
Tailor 3
General Store 5
Mortician Complete!

What we need
Minimum Level:13
Daily activity
Pure Builders with 80+ construction points
Moneymaking Adventurers (trapper/trader)
Pure Duelers / Soldiers

Application Form
InGame Name:
Character Level (XP/XP):
Cash/Bank Account:
Highest Attribute:
1st Highest Skill:
2nd Highest Skill:
Intended Character Build:
Declared Intentions:
Personal Requirements/Requests:

Our Location

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InGame Name:arocks6
Character Level (XP/XP):5 (hopefully 6 soon)
Accumulated Contributions:N/A
Cash/Bank Account:$125
Highest Attribute:Strength
1st Highest Skill:Toughness
2nd Highest Skill:Construction
Intended Character Build:Construction
Declared Intentions:labor/money when available
Personal Requirements/Requests none


Sorry arocks6, I accepted Justanewbie as builder. Maybe you get an invitation if no one else will respond. You will be on the waitlist for the Residence lvl 2.


ok. if you need any other positions that you cant get filled, i can do something other than building. i'm still new to the west so i can learn to do anything
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Off to a good start so far.. real good location too! Need more of anything though since our residence is goning to be done soon.


Residences lvl 2 will be ready today, and we have 2 open places for the town.


InGame Name:Meglomania
Character Level (XP/XP): Lvl 9 41/110
Current Residency: Homeless
Previous Residency: None
Accumulated Contributions: eh heaps in all 6 other worlds
Cash/Bank Account: $224
Highest Attribute: Charisma and Dex
1st Highest Skill: shooting
2nd Highest Skill: aim
3rd Highest Skill: appearance
Intended Character Build: Adventurer/Dueler
Declared Intentions: Work hard, find good items to sell and make loads of money for the town,
Personal Requirements/Requests: Quick growing town/ hard working members and friendly community :nowink:

I log in 3-4 times everyday


We are growing fast and we are recruiting for Residences level 3.


I am a pure builder, level 12, same name in game. Give me a tele.


InGame Name: Disco92
Character Level (XP/XP): 13 (61/206)
Highest Attribute: Strength 13
1st Highest Skill: Construction 51
2nd Highest Skill: Vigor 14
Intended Character Build: Builder
Declared Intentions: Build stuff
Personal Requirements/Requests: none


We are looking for new members to join for our residences level 4.



Experienced Players: this town has substandard management. I am a pure builder level 18 now and the moronic mayor tells me build-don't build-build-don't build. I was the second best builder in town and he had himself and the fourth best building ahead of me and wonders why I don't want to talk to him. I donated $770 and 17 build hours (74 const) in a week and the jerk booted me. They will be flooded by enemy fighters soon I think anyway.
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Comment On the Warning

The town works very well and the accusation of substandard management is due to a personal grudge. There is a good group of mature people having fun while playing the game. We are growing quickly too. As you might know, experience rankings and therefore building rankings changes quickly, since you get much more experience doing jobs than when you are in the building team. Since we have a pretty full town tressury building happens constantly and therefore the builders must be active and work well together with the other builders. Dialog is the key. As you might realize kroesus failed this. He was hostile towards town members, and therefore he was kicked.
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WARNING Experienced Players

Personal grudge? LOL A level 15 adventurer telling what little he knows. You speak out your ass. I have told it exactly how it happened. If you think Wirewick is all that peruse the worlds and check him out. A Johnny come lately on all the worlds. Level 24 was the highest I found. Yeah he has a good handle on the game and knows how to manage. This early a #24 ranking means crap and that should also tell you what they know. Hell, in W7 there were some noobs early bragging about being #1 and they have been left in the dust. If the outside experience is the key why was I higher in level than the 4th best with more hours on the town and we both joined at about the same time. It is BAD management to have your 2nd best builder idle so you (3rd) and the 4 th can build. BTW, I had near as much build time as the founder and he had at least 3 days on me. The really funny thing is that Wirewick has premium and was still behind me in level.
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If you want to take Kroesus' warning seriously then you might want to go and read all his threads and posts. Every town he joins ends up in arguments revolved around him. Kroesus... the admins have locked half your threads because you argue with everyone. Doesn't that give you a hint into how annoying you are.


Kroesus only causes trouble and headaches. AVOID.


This only shows why we kicked him out the town. His immature and rude behavior against people. If he didn't start acting like a 6 year old kid we would never had problem with him.

If it doesn't goes his way he starts making trouble and when that fails he tries to lie and deceive people here on the forum so he looks good.

build-don't build-build-don't build
If he read his telegrams he could know that he was the 4th builder for a short moment and was back in the list for construction.

BTW, I had near as much build time as the founder and he had at least 3 days on me.
17h vs 31h, and in the beginning when I founded this town there was no money, so if there was more money my hours would be even higher. When he came we had more then enough money, so he didn't had any trouble to get some hours in construction.

The really funny thing is that Wickwire has premium and was still behind me in level.
Incorrect again. We have the same level and I never said that I am premium so how can he know that. I have never had a premium account except the few days with the quests.



This only shows why we kicked him out the town. His immature and rude behavior against people. If he didn't start acting like a 6 year old kid we would never had problem with him.

If it doesn't goes his way he starts making trouble and when that fails he tries to lie and deceive people here on the forum so he looks good.

build-don't build-build-don't build
If he read his telegrams he could know that he was the 4th builder for a short moment and was back in the list for construction.

BTW, I had near as much build time as the founder and he had at least 3 days on me.
17h vs 31h, and in the beginning when I founded this town there was no money, so if there was more money my hours would be even higher. When he came we had more then enough money, so he didn't had any trouble to get some hours in construction.

The really funny thing is that Wickwire has premium and was still behind me in level.
Incorrect again. We have the same level and I never said that I am premium so how can he know that. I have never had a premium account except the few days with the quests.

When you kicked me you had 27 hours. When I was recruited I told this idiot I was a pure builder and he then puts me on the back burner so the 4 th best builder could build. They want duelers and have {b]no[/b] gunsmith but are pushing for a level 5 GS. It is like I said dumb and dumber leading and they think they have it together. IF you were paying attention as a good leader would you would see I was building when I was given the permission of the forums. For you to almost immediately deny me building privleges at the beginning was just asisnine.


If you want to take Kroesus' warning seriously then you might want to go and read all his threads and posts. Every town he joins ends up in arguments revolved around him. Kroesus... the admins have locked half your threads because you argue with everyone. Doesn't that give you a hint into how annoying you are.


Kroesus only causes trouble and headaches. AVOID.

That is so funny. LOL I have had a problem with two boyfriends (MadAlice and Midgrin) and one town Ace High, but then if you had done the home work you SAY you have you would know that. I am the president of a ten town federation on world 3 and belong to MAXED towns in all but worlds 6 and 7. I do not even recall seeing your name near the top of the leader board, so you are a wannabe noob barking at what he hasn't a clue about.
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