A discussion on the ethics and content of Marriage


I never said it wasn't trivial, and although you think i was defending such a divorce, i was actually saying how trivial and hypocritcal it is.


okay, so you say it's hypocritical of a Christian to get divorced (despite marriage not being an actual Christian institution), and yet it's trivial for a Christian to get divorced if his/her faith conflicts with the person he/she married. You do see the conundrum, don't you?


It seems to me that if religion is important enough to be grounds for divorce, the couple should have learned more about the other's religious beliefs before ever getting married.


exactly, you're not getting it, Hell, the Bible condemns divorce for any reason other than adultery. And for some to get divorced because of conflicting faiths is just as wrong as any other trivial reason.

I don't see how you created a conumdrum out of a perfectly valid statement.

Simply put:people should not get divorced for trivial reasons, divorcing because of conflicting faiths is a trivial reason. Period.


i get a bit nervous when people use the bible to support their arguments - but thats mainly because that book has been used to support some ghastly positions. For instance i specifically remember something in Exodus about God commanding brother to kill brother -- just because of a little difference in faith that led to partying around a pretty golden statue! using that episode you would have to forget the divorce and start smiting your partner.

Maybe people who get divorced for trivial reasons got married for trivial reasons first - so the divorce only stands to reason. Or maybe divorce isnt really a problem. maybe its just part of the way things sometimes work out and sometimes dont work out between people. ive never been divorced so maybe i'm not the one to speak on the subject - but there is one thing i have noticed about people. when they first meet each other they do this good behavior/blind thing... you know natures little insurance policy for the furtherance of the species. sometimes people dont get to start to really "see" their partner until after they have settled in for a bit.