4way wallpaper creator


Good day,

I have not seen this mentioned here before but something I have been involved in before on another graphics forum I'm on. It's great fun!

Something I would like to start on this one creating wallpapers, for now the first one we can make as a west theme.

How this exactly works would be that you have four design artists, each artist has his/hers own way of designing, and this is what makes it fun.

Artist 1 starts off a wallpaper (800 x 600) for now, we can get to the bigger sizes when the artists know what's exactly happening. So artist one starts off a base of a wallpaper, very basic stuff.

Artist 2 starts defining the wallpaper putting in the basic graphics, renders, c4ds, stocks.

Artist 3 and 4 are the graphic gurus here. Number 3 starts with the finer graphics and collaborating the wallpaper to nearly finished.

Artist 4 for puts in the last of the effects and touch ups.

So number starts, sends the .PSD file to artist 2 so forth until the wallpaper is complete.

Is there anyone that is willing to do something like this on this forum?

If so place your name here in this thread plus which artist you would prefer being. I'm easy I can cater for any of the 4 so we would need another 3 people to get involved. Preferably someone that is active in this section and won't sit a week on his/her part.

Let me know, if there is loads of feedback we can make this happen.



I'm interested! Not sure where I'd fit in on your artist list though heh.


Ahh finally we have someone :p Nice!

We can work out placing soon enough, I would like to get some people involved first and hopefully there will be people that would like to participate in something like this.

But thank you for putting your name down.


I may as well put my name down as well. I haven't been actively posting any of my graphical projects here as I am not the type to, but I have quite a few years experience. :)


Now we have two good designers.

One more and we can get going.

I'll post a few short rules in the morning. Nothing serious, but it does contribute to designer's convenience.

Thanks for the support. We going to make some magic out of this.


It might be an idea to take into consideration the programs people use. For example the text on paint shop pro often turns into a raster or vector layer, rather than text in photoshop (Can't remember which). Photoshop vectors often turn out solid in paint shop pro also, so it might be helpful to say rasters only, and if something needs to be enlarged you can ask for a particular layer in vector format.

Another more applicable example is photshop "effects" such as bevel etc do not show up at all in paint shop pro. I have both so it won't be too much of a problem but the main program I use is PSP.


All this is already covered. This is normally discussed when we busy making the designs. I'll show you what I mean by this.

The easiest actually would be if everyone uses photoshop. What programs do you people design with?


Photoshop 7.0 myself, don't have access to anything newer, 7.0 was a surprise gift for me :) I'm not a professional or anything, I just tinker. Though I do have a lot of fonts and fractal brushes for it, if that helps at all.


Good morning,

I have created some guideline and rules for the design of the wallpaper. Just to make it easier and understandable to what is expected.

  1. Technically speaking each artist gets to design 25% of the wallpaper. This means that you cannot change more than 25% of one of your partner’s designs. Which of course is 1/8 of the overall wallpaper.
  2. You may not move any image that another artist has put in place. This includes renders, stocks, C4Ds etc… You may overlay an image but not more than 50% of your partner’s design.
  3. All layers need to be kept neat and named to the certain designs of the wallpaper. This makes it easier for the designer to know which layer fits where.
  4. You may not resize any image a previous designer has placed.
  5. You may not crop any image a previous designer has placed.
  6. You may not hide any layer a previous designer has enabled. Once you get the .psd to work on you take it as how the previous designer wanted to the layers to be. However you are allowed to shift layers into the background or foreground.
  7. You may add effects or change existing effects that have been placed on layers.
  8. Brushes that are used may not exceed more than 35% of the wallpaper. Swatches can be used as a background if there is no design currently made.
  9. The wallpaper may not be opaque in any part of the background.
  10. If any design you feel needs to be changed, consult with the other three members of the group and come up a decision as to what is needed.

Ok that is just ten basics so that everyone has contributed an equal amount and one designer’s work is not left out due to another not liking it. The start of the design normally looks completely different than when it’s done. This is one of the things that make it fun.

  1. Theme: Western
  2. Size: 800 x 600 px
  3. Time limit: 2 days per designer
  4. Designers:
    • Da Twista
    • Becca Lee
    • Gem
    • Cragsterboy

The wallpaper is split into four parts. Each designer has 2 days to complete their section.
You guys can choose which you would like to be part in, I’ll take what’s left as I have done this a few times before.

  1. Base design:
  2. Base design/ Stock and renders:
  3. Stock and renders/ effects:
  4. Effects/ Completion:

Just because you have decided to pick one aspect does not mean you have to still solely to it. You are welcome to design and practically anything, but this is just guidelines as to how it should work when designing with a group of people.

Well I don’t think I have missed anything but if I have please mention it so I can add it here. If this turns out well, which I think it will be can hold this monthly or even have it as a competition where groups go against groups.
We all have our own way of designing, some of like certain things where others do not. Bare in mind that this is a team effort so you will need to tolerate your fellow man’s ideas.

If this turns out nice we can have The West’s own dedicated wallpaper section. :p


I am, just not sure where my strengths would lie out of those 4 spots lol. I'm an image manipulator at heart, never anything from scratch. Also not sure since I have Photoshop 7.0, if anyone has anything newer ... well that could cause problems.


Oh nice you started.

Please send me the .psd you used on this. I'll carry on with it. :)

Ok, though I know I did out a lot more then 25%, not sure what you'd want me to remove. That and where do I post the PSD file? I know photobucket won't take them. The attachment option for the forum is 19.5kb, and mine is over 2mb.