3 Games called 'The West'


I'd just like to kick off a discussion by outlining my own experience over the last 6 months or so.

1. I chose the dueller class for the fun of PvP and happily mixed up duelling and working. All I had to do was pick an enemy town for duels and watch my own town. Then a new release came along.

2. Under the new release with on-the-spot duelling I couldn't just go to a town and duel whoever was awake and at my level, but I had to search all over the map for players, then check their town to see if they were sleeping (sometimes the duel said they were sleeping and the map didn't) or to remind myself if it was a hostile or friendly town. No longer could I take off my duelling togs to fulfil quest jobs while keeping a weather-eye on any strangers appearing in town in case I got jumped as opponents could duel me at locations I had been at several hours before. In short, duelling became a pain; and not just for me -attacks dropped off. So I took to self-ko'ing on quest opponents and concentrated on finishing quest lines. The NPC duellers allowed me to exchange health for experience and my character progressed happily into the Arizona top 100 without premium. Then a new release came along.

3. Now I couldn't knock myself out for immunity on quests any more. Premium players could even shoot me from half an hour away from the rocking chair on their porch. So many of my AP/SPs were for questlines that any serious dueller my level could take a piece of me. They didn't even have to look for me - the new duelling screens took all the work out of finding opponents. Luckily, I am almost at the end of the (current) questlines, so in a week or two I can start re-speccing back to pure dueller.

To me, each release has created a new game and caused me to change strategy and spec. Luckily, it has gone full circle, from favouring duellers, to not favouring them and back again, so at least I am still happy with my character class. It's like the goalposts and rules move every few months and it's a matter of luck whether it makes or breaks your game.

I'd be interested to hear what other people's experience is and what they think of it all.


what an eloquent take on something that usually draws txt spk ire.

Personally i've never been a dueller so i have no comment but just thought i'd compliment your OP.


Personally i've never been a dueller...
Neither did I although I've tried and found it boring as hell.

However I must squeeze out this comment. Finally a duelist who doesn't whine, finally a duelist thread that should not be titled as "campers unite" and finally a duelist who publically revealed Inno's milking masterplan with the shaman. :)


This is actually a great example of my view on dueling as well....

I started 7/29/10 with questing till about level 30 and grew more into dueling with a town we were at war with. Then 1.29 came out and town dueling wars were much more difficult and time consuming. Having no experience in such but still having a will to learn, I joined an alliance, did a complete re-specc and took up fort fighting. During that time i grew jealous of the duelers who came to the fights and picked on us, Then 1.30 came out and after falling in love with "search and destroy" dueling and the no quest-K.O's; I am re-speccing back but still trying to hold on to some of my fort fighting skills. I still cant decide on what to do with myself, You've got tons of new dueling targets available now, and fort fights have acquired the ability to actually become profitable. With every update I find myself contemplating life.

This has been quite the experience with my skills, they have grown and adapted to several types of gear for multi tasking as well(quests, duels, fort fights) in rotating order.