28000 point town EL DORADO is recruiting!!!


Our town has 2 great builders but we could use one more good one! We are in desperate need of duelers or anyone who wants to help out. We have plans of starting anoter town after this one is complete.

Town Buildings:
Town Hall 10
Residences 5
Bank 7
Hotel 5
Gunsmith 9
Tailor 10
General Store 8
Mortician 1


You've got a good name. El Dorado: The City of Gold.

I can't join this time, but if you expand northeast far enough, I wouldn't mind helping you build your next town.


I will consider it but i just dont know where i want to make my 2nd town.


Well, until then, what do you have in your town? As in items?
Any good item sets? Fancy stuff? Pointy sticks?


Golden crosses and silver bullets...I take it none of your current members are werewolves?

Ooh, three indian items.
Double ooh, three mexican items.
Triple ooh, two farmer's items.
And one each for the rest, too, I think.