200,000 duel points baby!!


Well-Known Member
seems to me that you guys made an attempt and it wasnt bloody path with the whole town on ko....anytime you want to try again chum, bring it

made an attempt?

don't make me laugh...

our dedicated duel team is happy to slow your "mission", even when they don't ko ya


The only thing your duel team is dedicated to is failing at dueling.


I'll second that pat.Someone has their facts mixed up for sure.


I can't help to laugh over how conceited everyone here is.
They think they are dedicated? We are 10x as dedicated.
They think we duel only workers? Seriously there aren't even enough in the world to get to where we are.
They think we restart at level 30 just to kill more workers? Most of those I know, myself included, restarted at level 55-75. Why? Because we have learned allot more since we originally started and knew we could have done better. Now that I have a good plan lined up, Ill most likely be sticking it out upto level 120 :D
They think we are insane? We are 10x as insane as they say we are.

We give 110% and then some more :D


A belated but heartfelt congrats from me to the team at TBP - up to 240k pts, 57k wins, 18k KOs. Outstanding dedication!!!


Don't mistake dedication with cowardice as even though i have respect for guys who grow in levels and take on better fighters such as many in TBP, some of which i am happy to call friends, do not for a second believe that a player who stays at a low level so that they can clock up their wins against weaker opponents is such a thing as a good dueler. You are actually far from it as you are too scared to rise in levels and stay at 0 motivation for fear of being beaten by those who are good duelers and if those in TBP who are good were really honest they would say so too.
So even though it is a great achievement to amass so many wins, KO's etc do not let your low level inflated ego's imagine for a second you will receive praise or respect for your part in it as you will always be considered a coward that preys on the weak and will remain in the playground pretending to be a dueler like the bullies you are.
Other for that, even if TBP are enemies, well done to those who achieved so many wins who actually deserved them and can call themselves good duelers.


Many of us who are low lvl wernt always low level, before i restarted i was lvl 70 with a duel lvl of 120 and still winning 85% of my duels. Motivation dueling is extremely boring, hence why i restarted, and why are low lvl targets weak? Were you a little weakling at lvl 25? I would love for any lvl 25-30 to come hit me, bring it. just because you are hitting low lvl ppl dosent make them weak or any easier/harder to beat then if they and you were a higher lvl. If they were weak at lvl 25 there still gonna be a marshmellow at lvl 70. And what makes a lvl 25 dueler a bully and a lvl 70+ not? lol you make no sense. The only way you get to where we are is skills and dedication. But like i always say, haters gonna hate. So stop crying and come pay us a visit, or are you one of those little 4-eyed kids in the playground?


sorry to butt in, just saw this post, first grats to TBP. ranked first in the entire game in terms of duelling points. clearly a landmark that will be hard to beat.
second, dont knock 0% duelling, its a different way of playing the game
3rd, 0% eventually get to high levels especialy on fast xp worlds.
eventually a 0%er has to slow down, that happens between level 65 and level 80. after level 80 its very very difficult to lign up the duels for lack of easy targets.

i dont see anyone on this world getting to 10k duel wins before I get there on w10.
In fact I think I will be able to overtake the lot with my new w1 character.
level 20 and already 900 duel wins :D

so this is a demonstration of what a group of people can do working together
as it wont benefit them individually in terms of achievement.

hats off to you all.


fair tailwinds to all on this world :D


I'm a marshmello.I am sorry for all the beatings I've given to higher level players.Dgorsk I'm ready to come back home please.


The Bloody Path is one of the most dedicated towns I have seen. This is a Great Achievement and it wont be long before they get to a million. I am glad to have seen history in the making. To bad this is not my dueling world I would have been quite a competition. I am not sure how many of them have bought skill points but still there are many who havent.
Great achievement guys keep up the good work!!!!!


Actually dgorsk i was not even dueling at level 25 or level 30 or 35 or even 40 and didnt even join a town until after that, so can hardly say if i was a weakling or not as i was just happy to quest and nothing else and the people who know me here knows that it did not exactly turn out the way i planned either :).
As for paying you a visit, well that would not worry me either as we dont mind visiting any town on world 12 at all. But TBP doesnt bother Hells Alliance too much so I show the same respect in return, in fact my low levels train there as if they cannot fight against yours and better themselves then they will never learn how to duel anyway.
So to put it bluntly it is not that i hate low level 0 motivation duelers it is more the fact a lot of them act like egotistic children in the playground with their messages they send which shows why some stay low as they would never learn the diplomancy or respect to actually make anything of themselves in this game otherwise.
So 0 motivation is fine as long as they act like gentleman and not the spoilt little brats that most of them do.


I completely agree with your sentiments about the bratty behavior, baal. I am generally pretty laid back when I find myself chatting with a fresh (or familiar) face, and if time allows enjoy a good conversation about builds or maybe even a little gossip. :p

We're certainly not the only guilty ones of it, though (not assuming this is what you imply)...some people out there are just unable to restrain themselves and let their inner mental midget out to play just a little too frequently. For these folks, I have no problem bringing my inner brat out to have some fun. It's a simple and primitive pleasure...lol...but some just so have it coming. :p



You guys really got some mad duelers....;)

I mean beat The Bandit's record is just awesome.And oh yeah you guys rock.:laugh:

They say being a zero mot is not good.But who wants to be good?;)


as for town management, nice!! it take a lot to accomplish this goal.

but as for points, i think it is unusual. as said its a fort battle world and also not even the beta world 1 even got to close to those points. it is pure luck that the world turned out to be a fort battle world and the most active world. i do see 0 motivation duelers. but good work, it takes a lot to get 0 movtivation duelers and further more active duelers with dedication to town.


People always say it's a fort battle world and that it makes what The Bloody Path has accomplished much less significant...but it's usually the fort nutters who perpetuate this notion. My opinion is, I am able to find more competent duelers on w12 than I am on any other world, in my current configuration as a 0 moti killer-hunter, or my previous character as xp dueler.

Is The Bloody Path perfect? Of course not, but certainly no less perfect than any other town/alliance. Less significant?! Pffft! Let's see someone else do it, then. :)

Minor chest thumping aside...there will be no opportunity to disprove the Paths accomplishments 'til w15 has been out for at least 1 year. Many of us intend to go full bore there, knowing that it will be more challenging. As someone who returned to the game with no new worlds to select from, I am VERY much looking forward to it!

I consider myself a small contributor to the big picture at The Bloody Path, but for those who offer us your accolades, thank you. :)


Then we'll need someone to change the name of the thread ;)

Congrats again!