town bullying


Advice wanted:huh:

All my town members are being duelled by another town anything from 3 to 6 times a day, or until unconcious, almost daily.

I have spoken to admin and been told tough basically.

It all started because one of my members got a player banned for bullying and having multiple accounts on W8.

Now he is back and his whole town (or him and his many accounts) are forcing us out by making game unplayable.
I have even tried moving to an area of the map that is 12 hour walk away but they followed and duelled me unconcious.

Drunkster from Windy Poo Trails is the cause of all this.

I do know duelling is part of the game but 3-6 times a day every day, come on!!!:dry: get a grip admin:p
Ther Lair -TBBG-

any and all help and advice welcome?
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That sounds pretty bad.

If they keep beating you, then the solution is probably to get tougher.
You can't be so bad that they all win, one or two of them has to lose, meaning EXP for you.

Do some high paying jobs, get some sellable products, then liquidate a few of your assets and get some serious dueling gear, as well as a respec.
Them you can go show them who's boss. Good luck.


Dueling is probably one of the biggest parts of the game... despite the fact its because you got him banned that's not the point. I dont agree with having multi accounts, because that in my eyes is considered cheating but the fact is dueling is one main part of the game so really the only thing I can say is if you dont like it... quit, or take Celx's advice.


Wait, aren't you TBBG, surely the big bad Brady can save you? Otherwise why are you part of the alliance?


Hey, Dusty, why don't you help out?
If there's one way to annoy your opponents, it's giving unsolicited assistance.


No, as far as I remember, DustyBunny and and and and and and and Michael Brady are fighting the same way FoM and Bat Country did.


lol, TBBG is whining, you have 15 towns in your pathetic so called empire, and none of them is able to help you.


maybe post wasn't clear????????????

TBBG is just a daft name this town plays no part in whatever they are up to, why are we in their alliance---beats me??????? just left them :p

can't do jobs for being duelled

sent a ticket in and got told tough

being duelled 3-6 times a day every day or until unconcious by the offender, often by every member of the town involved as well.
(surely thats not considered fair play)

been told it won't stop untill all existing members leave the town
(presumably so they can have it)

whats the point of the forums then if helping is just piss taking those in need of help?
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I'd love to give you a hand in protecting you, but unfortunately we are a bit committed to fighting a war at this stage.

Good job leaving TBBG however, I suggest contacting Quahog depending on where you are located. They also recently defected from TBBG when offered some protection from FGW. Perhaps forming a faction from the small towns which are dropping from TBBG can allow you to better deal with aggressors from larger towns.
Send me a pm in game, DustyBunny, might be able to help out a little at some stage.

Btw i'm not Dusty the Cat, only recently learnt of the existence of that fine creature.


leave your town join a better town stop whining be polite

so in general, its runaway from trouble then? cowards

no-one here got the balls to stand up to bullies. some help


no, there's plenty of people who defend against the bullies...

read the forums, and it'll be blatantly obvious who the ones that fight against tyranny are...

but that being said, not everyone is going to do your fighting for need to be able to stand on your own two feet as well



As an alternative, you could stop gaining EXP.
Then eventually, the duelers will go too far past you in level, and won't be able to duel.