An abbreviation of "the".


I came up with a funny idea last night.
Actually, it's not so much funny as interesting.

Supposing "the" could be abbreviated?
I think it would look like "***t'e", for example:
"Aim oft'e game."
"Solution tot'e problem."
"What int'e name of god."

If it were abbreviated, I think it'd be pronounced with a softer T,
maybe so it sounds a little more like a short D.

What do you all think of this idea?


WHATS WRONG WITH 3 SIMPLE LETTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T____H___E!!!!!!!
"the" shouldnt be abriviated lol its 3 letters... NO POINT.....


I don't really see a need to abbreviate it (people complain already about Angel skipping the h), but not is also a 3 letter word that is abbreviated as n't in the way mentioned in the OP.


well honestly....h is far from my reach

...and if you will use apostrophe....then it just make it more...difficult O_O


So, we don't need to abbreviate "the"?
I just thought that it might be a good idea to change written language slightly to match how we speak.
"To the" sounds a bit like "tov'e", but I didn't want to suggest changing the letters.

I suppose you could also pronouce "the" like "de" "te" or "teh".
"That is the idea" often sounds like "That's te idea", I think.
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A dubious distinction, indeed.
But it's not wrong, or downright stupid.

So, praise me for coming up with something silly!
At best, it's a possibility for debate! At worst, you can laugh at it with your friends!


This is out-of-place and is the beginning of a potential infection of stupidity that could infect our one serious section -- that's why threads like these are stupid. It's not even clever. If you're going to spam crap, the least you could do is make it funny and/or clever.


I stand corrected: At worst, you can troll this thread.

I think it IS funny and/or clever. I raised this topic to see if an abbreviation could be any use!
Possible placeholder.


I stand corrected: At worst, you can troll this thread.

I think it IS funny and/or clever. I raised this topic to see if an abbreviation could be any use!

Possible placeholder.




i dunno = i don't know

i want to = i wanna

so what's wrong if the = te?!


Technically, that couldn't be possible.
However, I suppose the idea of incorporating an "I" as a suffix or prefix is a possibility.
I know, you were joking.