Who's the questiest!


I'm in w3 actually :)
now trying to get a toolbox for the 172 th quest


Is there any other secret quest which don't appear in weststats.com except the "Hernado's Curse"?


My sig is below I rarely do quests but I might start doing them now for something new to do.


Like I said, it's not a matter of belief, it's a matter of knowing what world to put.


I added the banners for as many people as I could fit so I can update sporadically without requiring anyone to update their total. If you pass someone who I have posted, let me know and I'll bump the last person and move you up.


I think you should make a new thread in each world Elymr. It's pretty meaningless here with all worlds involved. I'll leave it for you to do the necessary. Good chap.