The Ghosts


Ejona spent the remainder of her night holed up in her room. She did not open her laptop, or go online again, for fear the mysterious intruder would infiltrate her system. She played her options over and over again, and school just did not seem to currently fit into her well being. Professor Dae Jung knew about her ability, and while she had been warned about him, it seemed his reaction to her telling him was equally ominous. It was best for her to disappear to another place. America maybe even. She'd never been, and it was called the place of opportunities. She'd stow away on a cruise liner, and that'd be that. She went to bed.

The next morning, she woke up, showered, ate, and made sure everything she absolutely must have she did. She packed her belongings into her backpack, and dressed for mid-to fair weather. It was early spring, but she did not intend on staying out of doors at night, so she should be fine. She walked out toward the parking lot, and sat on a bench to wait for the public bus. She glanced around the parking lot, mostly out of boredom and observed the man chain smoking not too far away. Smoking was a nasty habit, and it seemed to plague the entire population of this country. She rarely would give a person a second glance, but there was something off about the situation. He looked like any other metal head, but there were three people sitting inside the car he stood near. She looked at her watch, and willed the bus to hurry up. They just looked like they were up to no good.


Eve, Mouse, and Trace sat quietly in the conference room of their new headquarters. Mouse was silent as ever, eyes red and swollen, and remained staring off into space as she rested her head against Trace's shoulder. Eve was pacing back and forth, frowning as she tried to mull her way through what led up to Jaunt's death. There was a report on the news, the size of the detonation demanded it. According to the news, a warehouse that had been storing propane containers had exploded, killing several maintenance workers. The cause of the explosion was still being investigated, but early conjecture was it was accidental.

Eve sat down at the table and muttered, "Darn it all, where is Jux? We need him here to plan out our next move. I can only assume Area 51 found Jaunt, and she went fighting. But that means Pal might be their next target. Her last vision was him being attacked by Boss. And that explosion could very well have been his doing. Our brother always was so unstable. I know we suffered a huge loss today, but we need to keep going. Who remembers what jaunt said about her vision? She had a name, and a school I think. Trace? Can't you go search him out somehow? We should get there before they do I think..."


"Herbert Palerne" Jux croaked hoarsly having caught the end of the conversation upon entering the room, he looked and felt like death warmed up, Slumping down heavily in one of the chairs, the others quickly realised that Jux was mess, huge bags hung under bloodshot eyes and his breath stank of last nights whiskey. He'd spent nearly all of that night drinking and when he did finally leave the bar it was too dark to jump so he'd walked back to Chicago meaning hadn't slept or eaten in several hours now and the effects were starting to show he felt irritable and violent he wanted to lash out and punish the people who had caused his sisters death even if it resulted in his own death.
"The name was Herbert Palerne he's just changed his code name slighlty like I did" it hadn't taken any great leaps in imagination to change Jux into Justin nor Pal into Palerne, no doubt the others had similar alias' stashed away after all you couldn't write Mouse on a passport and not get stopped by customs.
Jux wearily gazed around the room with glazed eyes it was clear that the others were dealing with Jaunts death just as badly as he was if in a slightly less self destructive manner. It was clear that Mouse had been up crying most of the night no doubt in the arms of Trace who seemed very pale and withdrawn only Eve seemed to be coping with the death and Jux hated her for it, his hands unconciously clenching and unclenching under the table.
His head felt like a jack hammer was trying to pound its way out of his skull and the light...God, did it have to be so damn bright? Jux slowly began massaging his temples, his left hand still sporting the knicks from last nights game. Through squinted eyes Jux search for his gun and finding it where he'd left it, he'd pick it up later there less chance of him murdering a random stranger now.
"So Eve whats the plan?...Also does anyone have an aspirin? because my head is killing me"
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Deleted User - 819397

Trace looked up at Eve, his eyes distant. "I could search for him...however, a large portion of my ability to work with technology is the fact I need to be focused on my job. I think that's why they made sure my emotions were foreign to me at first, so that nothing would distract me. If I tried right now, odds are I'd lose control and eradicate the link between my mind and my body...I'm not going to risk that. Pal's a resourceful guy...he'll be able to stay out of trouble for a day or so...besides...once I get the info and a picture of the place, Jux can jump us there...more or less there's no true rush...or at least not enough to risk another member of the team..." Leaning back, Trace hugged Mouse tightly. Though he hadn't spoken it, another reason for his refusal was that if he lost himself Mouse would be alone again...and he wasn't going to risk that. However, that reason was clear to the others in the room, and Trace knew it. He simply hoped Eve would understand.


A single glance explained Trace's reluctance to use his abilities on the web, although he hadn't been present Jux had later learnt of Mouse's suicide attempt and subsequent rescue Can't really blame the guy for that she needs him just as much as he needs her at the moment. Jux felt a stab of loneliness, Julia was currently hundreds of miles away, all alone and oblivous as to the reasons and worst of all he couldn't tell her, to do so would endanger her better he kept his distance even if it was painful.
"Don't worry about it man I can check the net for a little while...Hey I may even get lucky" Jux spoke quietly rising from his chair and heading towards the laptop.
Pausing by Trace Jux placed his hand gently on his shoulder leaning in close so that the others couldn't hear what was about to said "I would look after her you know? if anything happened I would look after her" removing his hand Jux carried on to the laptop his head screaming in protest at each step he took, knowing full well that he had meant every word he had said.

Working quietly on the laptop Jux managed to find reference's to around seven Herbert Palerne's within the united states around the approximate age of Pal, although without further information he would be unable to narrow down the results any further it was a start.
Falling back into his old routine Jux began to idly surf the net his hangover was gradually clearing when he saw something that caused his heart to jolt with shock.
He'd just logged onto Youtube when there on the home page stood the video, Man dissapears from rooftop...Amazing the title exclaimed to him in its bold type, clicking the play button Jux watched as he was caught jumping on camera, the picture was blurry and unsteady but it was definatley him on the roof, beside was the ghost of Trace's hologram...they'd been caught on film for the whole world to see. Tapping in several other keywords he found other clips of the incident in Vegas, the Fireball, Traces hologram, his jump it had all been captured in one form or another Why has the military not covered this up? because to do so would prove them right...better to leave the videos up and have them discredited as camera trickery and photoshop only nutters would believe in this stuff.
Swallowing hard in an attempt to clear his suddenly dry throat Jux logged off of the machine, Trace could wipe the files he was sure of that but it was far too late to stop it now, millions had already seen the various clips had Julia seen it? would she recognise me? the thoughts flashed through Jux's mind at a lightning fast pace leaving him feeling somewhat dazed by it all, he needed a drink...No that wasn't the answer Jaunt wouldn't have approved, she would have been upset to learn that her death had caused his own through self destruction and yet here they were.
They needed to move on no matter how hard or callous it sounded they had to put Jaunt to rest and move on or her death would kill them too.
Rising from his seat Jux walked back up to the others a look of grim determination on his face, if he didn't do it now then it would never happen and that would be wrong, they needed to do this "Grab your coats we're going to a funeral"
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"And that is how the Order of the Dragon was, for all intents and purposes, ended. Now, remember class, there will be a test on this tomorrow, so remember to study your notes tonight. Dismissed." Willy watched as the students filed out, and then locked the door behind them. He was worried about Ejona not showing up for class today. He doubted anything had happened to her, but she wasn't here. Something might happen to her, and he doubted how long she could hide from the United States government. It was time to find her.

Willy put on his frock coat and fedora, and departed the room, grabbing the ceremonial sword from his lecture. He first headed toward his home, couldn't be seen running around Minsk with a ceremonial sword from the Order of the Dragon, people might think him mad and have him arrested or something. He couldn't have that happening, now could he? But first, a drink. Willy headed over to a nearby cantina, they knew him, and that he sometimes brought dangerous looking objects, that were just part of his lectures. "Yes, Yuri, how goes it? A half litre of Krinitsa, please. Gotta get some juice for a search."


Boss watched as the professor left the school. He rushed off after him, keeping his distance. He watched as the man went into the bar with the sword. He had a feeling this might be a battle, due to the hand to hand and other martial training they received as prototypes for situations like this. Boss didn't care though. He wanted this mission over.

He waited a minute, then walked into the bar. It wasn't that busy. Three men sitting at seats over in the corner, smoking cigarettes and drinking whiskey. Jim Bean. Three at the bar, not including the bartender. The three men were the professor, a drunken, sixty year old who probably spent most of his days bumming for change to buy a drink, and a biker. The bartender was a decently sized guy. Large and fat. No matter what, he figured this might turn into an all out brawl. Boss smiled as he relished the thought.

There was a large mirror right behind the drinks. Boss stood right in front of it, a yard away from where the professor was sitting. He could see as Willy looked up, his eyes turning big as he saw Boss in the mirror.

"Ready to go home William?" he yelled out. The rest of the bar looked at him as they waited a response from the professor.


Willy finished his half litre, and was about to depart for the search for Ejona, when something odd and hauntingly familiar was seen in the mirror out of the corner of his eye. When he turned to deny the image in the mirror, he was instead confirmed of said image by the sight of the source of the image. Willy turned pale, well, paler than he already was, as his head turned fully to meet the source of the mirror's reflexion. The sight was nearly too much for Willy to accept, and his brain nearly shut down. It was, in Willy's opinion, a combination of sheer force of will and the half litre of beer that kept his brain working.

Standing there, like an impossible freight train on the other side of a closet door, was Boss, the very same Boss he had left behind in the other time, the time back in America, the only part of history he wanted to forget. But here it was, here to haunt him again for the crimes he had done, the mistakes he had made. He hoped that Boss hadn't found out anything about Ejona, he would have to get warning to her somehow, but he couldn't do it. How would he... His thoughts were broken by Boss yelling out. The patrons waited for Willy to answer.

Willy turned to the barkeeper. "Get everybody out. Get them all out, and far away. Clear the area." Willy turned back to Boss as the patrons cleared out. When they were gone, Willy spoke to Boss for the first time in at least half a decade. "Before we try and kill ourselves and the population of Minsk," Willy said, in a desperate attempt to buy time to get him out of the current situation. "Why don't we sit down and have a drink? I'm on good terms with the barkeeper, and he wouldn't mind if I borrowed a few litres from him." Willy grabbed a bottle of Krinitsa, and set it in front of the barstool next to him. "Come, tell me of your life since the liberation. Tell me first though, did you find Gabriella? I really hope you have, she was a much better handler than the Lieutenant Colonel."


"Liberation? Gabriella? I have no clue what your..." Boss began to speak. He realized now what he could do.

"Who am I?" he asked. Boss took off his coat and hung it up near the door, not turning his back from William. His hands were covered in a blue flame, obviously showing that Boss was angry. "WHO THE HELL AM I?! I have been sent after you and the rest of the prototypes, but no matter where I go, I have these...nightmares. Dreams. Images running through my head!" he started yelling out.

Boss started to implode with anger, fire swirling around him. Parts of the bar started to be scorched, or burn. "I need to know damnit. Tell me before I burn you and this entire city to the ground!"


Willy waited for Boss to answer his questions. Instead, he found out something entirely different than he was expecting. He didn't remember! Boss didn't remember the liberation, Gabriella, he probably didn't even know much about any of the other prototypes. What had they done to him? Memory wipe? Maybe. Unfortunately, Wily couldn't transfer what he saw to other people, at least not yet. That would be good to have now though. But, words would work well enough. "Alright, I'll tell you. Just don't burn Minsk. God knows what that would do to the world. Have a beer. It's not American, but it's still good."

Willy drank from his bottle, and began to tell the story. "This is condensed. There might not be time for the whole thing now. About five or six years ago, most, if not all of the prototypes escaped from Dreamland. You were one of the leaders of the liberation. I went a different path than the rest of the protos. I don't know what happened to them.

"Gabriella, she was a handler, your handler. We all had at least some suspicion that there was something going on between you two. You guys were more friendly than any of the other protos to their handlers and vise versa. When I found out, I wasn't surprised. Worried though. I didn't know what side she would take. I don't think we ran into her during the liberation. I don't remember her there. But she made you happy, so I left you two alone. I think I can maybe help you find her. But you have to stop working for the government. I will never go back to Dreamland, nor will I ever work for the United States government. But please, tell me this. How many other protos are working with you?"


Eve lifted her eyebrows in surprise, looked at Mouse and Trace and then shrugged. It would do us well to get out of here for a little while, get some closure in a twisted way. She moved over to Jux, and waited for the others to join them. Let's go out. Let's be normal for one day, and clear our minds of recent events, so we can make better well-thought through decisions. Just like Jaunt had taught us. Clear our minds of the things beyond our grasp or abilities, to focus on the task at hand. She frowned and shook her head.


Taking Eve by the arm Jux truned her away from the others so as to keep what was said private, his voice kept low "We need to do this...They are on the verge of suicidal depression and I went out looking for a fight, if it hadn't been for a barmaid I would have killed someone...Besides Jaunt deserves a decent send off something to remember her by, something better than some damn dossier with DECEASED stamped across her name" Jux paused taking deep breaths, he was getting wound up, angry, he needed to calm down or else he'd end up hurting somebody.
Turning back to the others Jux gently took their hands and made the first jump out of the window he wasn't sure where he was going to take them yet, just that they needed to go someplace quiet.

Jux glanced around the forest clearing in which he'd materialised, it was pretty much how he'd remembered it. Birds sang in the sun dappled tree's disturbing the forests stillness with their music, just beyond the clearing there was a lake, a group of fishermen were on the far bank no doubt residents of the small town a few miles from the lakes shore or perhaps tourists come to relax and unwind? For the life of him Jux could not recall the towns name only that you got a fantastic view of the cascade mountains when the sun began to set, a view that neither he nor Julia had goten tired of during their stay.
"Where are we?" asked Mouse quietly still holding firmly onto Traces arm "Its some place in Oregon Julia and I went to...we rented a cabin by the lake... it was my first vacation" Jux said with the hint of a smile at the happy memories he had enjoyed here.
Breifly scanning the clearing an old habit that refused to die, Jux started walking through the tree's calling over his shoulder as he went "The towns just a short walk from here we can find somewhere stay when we get there" Jux could have quite easily have jumped them all there and saved the hour walk however he had decided that it would be nice to walk for a change and pretend that he was normal just for a little while.


Eve nodded in agreement, before they all were teleported to the clearing. She looked around, as she un-pocketed her mirrored shades and pulled them on. She walked silently amongst the others, smiling at the surrounding woods. She said, "This is a beautiful place to have spent time with your special somebody Jux."

Mouse nodded in agreement, and wrapped an arm around Trace's waist. She glanced around, sniffing slightly, but obviously steeling herself against bad memories. She quietly said, "What are our plans then?"


Jux shrugged "To tell you the truth I haven't given it much thought...We need to rest, act like normal people... for little while at least" Jux also hoped that the country air and tranquility would give him time to formulate a viable plan of attack, the need for vengeance still burning deep inside of him.
He'd already come up with several different ideas whilst he'd been walking back to Chicago drunk the previous night however in the cold light of day they all seemed to be suicidal and pointless.
The problem was that Jux wasn't a squad leader no doubt Boss would have come up with a plan within seconds of putting his mind to it but not Jux, Jux was just a grunt, a talented grunt but a grunt all the same Oh Boss why did you have to go rogue? I could really use your help around about now.
The other problem was that there was only three of them with very little in the way of guns and ammo and Jux daren't go to McElroy again not after what happened last time, then again hadn't Eve mentioned that she knew the location of Willy? maybe it was time they contacted their old friend or at least consider it.

Jux walked quielty listening to the swishing sound his feet made as he walked through the pine needles littering the floor, the sun shining down bright and warm on his face, leading him to think of Julia and what they had once had...Still had if only he could be certain of her safety.
Glancing over to Eve, Jux cleared his throat inorder to get her attention "Eve...You've been living on the outside longer than I have....Have you ever considered telling someone who you are?, I mean really are" Jux hoped she'd understand what he was trying to say, she wasn't his most favourite person but for some reason he wanted her advice, if only so he could make up his own mind later on.


"No, no...they" Boss started to mutter to himself. He went through a sense of extreme self-denial. The fire disappeared, his anger recessing for the moment before it exploded. Boss screamed out as the explosion threw William across the bar and lit the entire place on fire. No doubt the police and fire department would come as quick as possible.

"Your coming with me William! I need answers, and for right now, your the only one who has them! I don't care what happens or who I have to kill, but I will get the answers damnit!" Boss yelled out to William.

As Boss screamed out at the professor, the sirens could be heard. "We're leaving NOW!" he yelled out.


Private William stood outside the car. He had seen Boss rush after the professor. It had only been a minute. He was staring across the street at the pretty girl at the bus stop. He wanted to walk over and say hello. She was stunning in his opinion. This train of thought was quickly interrupted by the passing fire engine.

William looked down the street and saw smoke rising into the air. "No. Boss why the hell did you have to do this?" he whispered to himself, panicking. Everybody was running towards the site of the fire. William jumped back into the car and decided to drive towards the location to see what was happening. As soon as William had started to drive towards Boss' location, an explosion was heard. William pushed down on the pedal, driving as fast as possible to get to where Boss was.


Boss was pointing one of his hands towards the window. Smoke rose from up, and a destroyed fire truck outside was proof that he had just blown it to hell. Boss' temper and anger had reached a breaking point where he didn't care what he did or what happened. The roof started to collapse, but Boss' common sense did not even matter to him at this point. All he worried about was answers. He looked at Willy.

"Time to go Willy!" he yelled at him. He charged towards him, fury and anger pouring out of him like water from an urn. Not even a moving train could stop Boss now.


Ejona sat quietly waiting for the bus, sighing at the slow run times of the transit system. Yet another thing to not miss about this place. She looked up as she smelled smoke, and saw it coming from the bar the metal head had walked into. She heard the engines approaching, and then the squeal of tires as a man her age jumped into a black SUV and tore off after them. She was looking down the street as the explosion erupted, shattering several windows. She instinctively ducked her head down, before her gawker's curiosity struck. She got to her feet and ran down with the remainder of the crowd.

She saw that the first responding engine had been caught in the explosion, and was now only a twisted hunk of burning garbage. She also saw several people had been caught in the explosion, and were laying strewn about the sidewalk. She moved to the closest, glanced around, noting everybody was staring at the flames pouring out of the broken windows, and then looked back at the burned man. She hovered her hand slightly over the worst of the burns and flash froze the surrounding skin to stop the continued damage from the burns.

She stood up, and glanced into the bar through the broken window. She gasped as she saw Professor Dae Jung being confronted by Boss. She forced herself to blink, because she could have sworn Boss was completely enveloped in flame when she first saw him, but was now looking like the person she'd seen earlier. She backed away, directly into Private William, who frantically pushed her aside as he climbed through the window into the blazing building to the protests of several of the gawking pedestrians that had gathered. Ejona heard more sirens coming, and decided to do just one more thing. She shouldered her way through the crowds, and climbed into the building, just as more burning timbers dropped down behind her.

She was startled momentarily by the sheer heat in the bar, but more so by the presence of one other she'd not noticed. An albino, who was standing in the corner holding his hand up toward Boss. She closed her eyes, and the clamor and roar of the fire abruptly stopped. She opened her eyes as beads of sweat immediately broke out on her forehead from the effort of slowing so much. She moved swiftly through the surreal scene, and over to Willy. She grabbed hold of his shoulder, and he blinked in surprise at her as she said in her native tongue, "Come Professor, this way now. I think whoever is hunting you found you." She pushed him into the back room, and opened the back door as she released her surroundings. "Go!" she shouted as she followed him into the alleyway.


Jux felt the gentle brush of Eve's will traipse briefly through his mind, and she asked, "You mean have I ever had a relationship with somebody that wasn't like any of us, and care enough about the other that I wished to share the ultimate secret you hold?" She grinned and shook her head. "Believe it or not, I have a very hard time associating with people on such a personal level. I'm too fearful of using my ability to find out what they really think, and am even more fearful of imposing tweaks and changes to those things I wouldn't like about another person."

She frowned slightly and shook her head, "No... I've never been tempted to share anything about me with others. I worked too hard to disappear. That's not to say if Julia's that important to you, that you shouldn't. Just keep in mind... the timing is not the best. We have Boss to contend with, who might use Julia against you, or do worse things to her if he felt it might accomplish the goals of the handlers. What we are, and who knows what we are, might be a burden that's too hard to contend with."

She shifted awkwardly, and said, "You could always try to tell her, and if she's not ready, I could erase the whole conversation if that would help. But I really don't like that thought. I don't envy you. I don't have somebody to divert my attentions. You have your Julia. Trace and Mouse have each other. Maybe I'm the worst off of us all." She shook her head.
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Willy had hoped that his answers to Boss's questions would placate him, calm him down, at least a bit, and maybe give Willy time to get out of the bar, out of Minsk, maybe go to Britain or Germany, just out of Belarus. His name would have to change too, maybe Cameron Smith. But, as it turned out, that was a pipe dream, nothing that could be achieved. Boss, at first, did calm down, but suddenly, he blew out in the most furious display of anger Willy could remember. Suddenly, he was thrown to the other side of the bar, as everything around him burst into flames. "Boss, you idiot! You're going to blow up Minsk! Stop now, and I'll go with you!"

Boss, of course, didn't listen to Willy, just more furious anger. It was getting hard to breathe, and sweat was pouring out of him by the bucketful. Outside, he heard an explosion, and watched as a piece of fire truck fell into the bar next to him. "Boss, stop this now! You're killing innocent people! Stop this now!" Again, Willy's pleas did not do anything to stop Boss. Maybe the opposite effect. He got angrier, reaching the point where his body was turned to fire. "What would Gabriella think if she could see you now?" Willy tried in a last ditch plea for sanity.

Instead, Boss charged toward him, would probably kill him, when suddenly, everything stopped. He was the only thing moving now. Boss was frozen in mid-charge, there was another man there too, probably his new handler, and there was a girl. But this girl, she was moving. As she got closer, Willy could identify her. But it wasn't possible! As Ejona told him it was time to go, she shoved him into the back room. As they ran out into the alley, Willy could hear the fire start again, and turned back for a second to see it collapse. "You shouldn't have been here. I thought you left," Willy told Ejona. "And to use your power in front of him, they'll definitely be after you now." Willy drew out his sword, and started heading toward his classroom. "Before we leave, I need to get weapons. I have a few stashed in my room. If you don't know how to use a firearm, you better learn quick. You're in mortal danger now, but thank you for saving me from Boss."


Jux grimaced slightly at Eve's confession although personally he didn't see it that way "You've heard the saying its better to have loved and lost?...Well that’s a load of crap" Although Jux hadn't lost Julia yet he felt like he had, his true nature and the nature of his family was driving him away from her the one person who had ever made him feel truly happy…maybe that was why he had brought them all up here.
"Thanks for the advice...I know we don’t exactly get along but I do appreciate what your saying…being single doesn’t seem quite so bad now does it” he said grinning somewhat sheepishly as they entered the small town.
Pulling out a pair of sunglasses Jux put them on, he’d have to buy some more contacts when he got the chance having purple eyes doesn’t half attract attention. Rounding a corner Jux pointed down the street “there’s a B&B just down here, we should be able to get some rooms there fairly cheaply”
The pieces of a plan were beginning to form in Jux’s mind, he figured that between the four of them they could quite easily infiltrate and bypass any security systems the military had including those of an arms depot…they could almost literally walk in and help themselves the to the militaries own weapon supply.
“Eve didn’t you say that you knew Willy’s location? Just that it may be time to contact him or at least warn him about Boss” he said as they approached the B&B. It was a small building with only a few rooms but it was clean and cosy, Jux reminded himself to find out what aliases the others were going by as he entered the building, later he would let them in on his plan and see what they thought no doubt there was something he’d missed.


Boss was shocked by the sudden stop in time. What could have stopped him? All he got to see was a woman and the professor run out the back before the building collapsed with the Void, Boss, and Private William inside. With the Void gone, his powers returned. Boss' rage had almost reached maximum. The fire bursting off his body burnt all the debris dropping on him, keeping him safe. The others however, were less fortunate. As Boss stood there, fire swirling around him, he could see the private. He was screaming, his body trapped under a wooden pillar that supported the roof. His hair was gone, his entire body burning. Boss looked away. "This ends now," he whispered to himself. He ran towards the alleyway, escaping the burning building. The fire surrounding him disapeared.

His shirt was burnt away, along with everything on his upper body. His shoes were covered in ash and his pants were slightly burnt, but still wearable. He started to sprint down the alleyway, pushing trash cans out of his way to get out. This mission had gone to hell. Only thing that could be done now was to get that...woman and the professor. His rage clouded his mind, but he could still use his common sense.

The school. That is where the professor will run back to. His home is too far, and as Boss figured, he would have kept some stuff prepared in his classroom in case of emergancy. Boss kept running. He reached the sidewalk and dashed through the traffic. He was almost hit by a red minivan, but it missed by about an inch. He reached the other side and saw the professor with his sword and the young girl dashing through the crowd on the sidewalk. Boss charged after them, pushing people out of his way. He could see Willy as he looked back and caught a glimpse of himself running after them. Willy and the girl started to run faster.

They could not escape. He had to get them. He needed answers. The pair had run across the street as the lights were red, reaching the school. Boss continued sprinting after them, but was caught in the middle of traffic when the lights had turned green. A car rammed into Boss, damaging the car more than Boss himself. He hit the ground, giving the pair a couple of extra minutes to get a lead. Boss stood back up and looked at the man in the car.

He put his hands on the hood, then a wave of fire exploded out from them. The car and it's occupant were incinerated as the car went up in a fireball. The blast did not effect Boss at all, only empowering him from the heat and fire that the explosion produced. Boss turned back towards the school. As he walked towards the school, the cars in the street and the people on the sidewalk watched in shock. Every step Boss took left a burning mark upon the pavement below him. He lifted his right arm upwards, blasting open the school doors with a fireball. He walked inside, looking left and right for the door to the professor's classroom.

Security guards flooded the hallway. "Another obstacle," he muttered. Fire shot out from his hands like flamethrowers. He started to walk down the hallway casually as he lit the men around him on fire. The cop cars and SWAT teams could be heard outside, surrounding the building. Whatever happened now, there was no turning back.
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X kinda felt bad. No, Who was he kidding?, he didn't really feel bad at all. He needed to follow himself. The others mourned death. His response was action. He had been monitoring the Y-12 National Security Complex for the last couple days. He had developed a new technique he called the "chameleon." He had obtained several official uniforms and badges and could now get himself clearance to practically anywhere by altering a few details which he kept in his pockets.

It was while using a computer at said base when it happened. An alert about A98-0606, also known as "Boss," popped up on the screen and he saw the opportunity. He left the building as soon as possible.

Not much later he was descending on Minsk. He kept his cover by keeping a fog in front of him. Finally, he landed and started blasting away. SWAT and security guards flew like bugs. Bullets flew. Rivers of blood ran. He wasn't sure if Boss was aware of his presence. Well, it didn't matter. He had his back -- no bullets would pierce him.

An armored SWAT truck pulled up and the team jumped out. X knocked the truck over and pulled one of his 50 BMG rounds. It fired straight for the gasoline tank. A mushroom cloud obliterated that obstacle. X looked over to Boss. "I can help you find answers."
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Deleted User - 819397

Trace had to admire Jux' sense of direction...he had taken them to the perfect location to get their thoughts in order...peaceful, quiet. He frowned at Jux' thoughts about contacting Willy to warn him of Boss. "I think Pal should be our priority. Willy was Boss' friend for the longest time...if anyone is safe from him, it'd be Willy. Pal, on the other hand...none of us got to know him well, as he showed up right before you did yourself, Jux. From what I could gather from our short time together, Pal is even more of a pacifist than I am myself. Should Boss come after him, which...Jaunt (here he closed his eyes for a moment)...predicted, Pal won't stand a chance. You found the general area that Pal lives in...I can pinpoint it and we can get to him. Just...not today, agreed?" He hugged Mouse tightly for a moment at the end of his statement...she was his anchor, just as he was hers. Together they'd overcome the loss of Jaunt, just as they had overcome everything else before.