Rogue river RPG


Okay guys you know the rules.
Everyone who likes rpg welcome to join in the story.

The year of 1876. People thought the west held no more surprises.
They were wrong.
At the border of Arizona and New Mexico was a river which was never mentioned on every map: Rogue River. Every explorer that went there never returned. The American government decided to send an adventurer with a notorious reputation to unfold the last remaining undiscovered piece of land.

The man never had thought that this adventure could bring so much troubles. The once lone traveller strangely would find that help was were he needed it the most.

That man was Greg R. Travis.
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"Never thought I would work for those lawmen but they really didn't give me much to choose...Brings us news or hang from a noose..." Greg sat on his horse and looked down at the man who stood next to him.
"Your orders are clear than." The man smiled.
"Yeah sheriff they are. Don't forget about what you guys promised: When I return, the law will no more try to hunt me down and I'll get payed handsomely."
"Yup. How you get things done is your problem...Now get going! The owner of the mercantile said he wanted to talk to you."

Inside the Mercantile he asked the man behind the counter: "You wanted to see me?"
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Kaatis walked out of the General Store and down the street. He was an Apache from the nearby desert, but he had found life easier living in the white man's town. He still went out to the desert to gather food, and to hunt, but he spent a lot of time in the town.

The lawman who had just been talking to Greg turned around to see Kaatis. "You an injun, boy?" he asked. "Well how'd you like to help out on a little expedition I'm arrangin'? I figure a red man like yourself would be a lotta help out in the desert."

Kaatis inquired a little about the expedition, and then accepted the man's offer. He strolled into the Mercantile to speak to Greg, and ask if he could come along to help out with the exploring.


"Sure. Something tells me I need all the luck I can get. Tell me what's your name?" Greg smiled at the Apache.


"Kaatis. You are Greg, aren't you?" He replied. "This river is very far away. We cannot pack enough supplies to get us all the way there. But I know how to get food from the desert. We should survive."


"That would certainly come in handy my native friend. You a good tracker?" Greg asked when he saw the owner waving at him.
"You need goods? I have goods. Good stuff and you can have them for free..."
"What's the catch?"
"Nothing...nothing...Just feeling remorse for your fate I supose..."


"I can track, but there may not be much worth eating out that far. If we are lucky there will be Antelope. Perhaps Buffalo." Kaatis answered, before turning to the shopkeeper. "Why are you remorseful for us?"


"You didn't hear? Many men who dare to go that far have never returned! I merely thought..." The shopkeeper turned quiet.
"No fate in us do you? We'll return you'll see that. Now about the stuff?"
"yes...I have some food suplies for a couple of days...rifle and ammo...medical suplies...You can have it."
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"'ello. anyone here need to have a bullet in his head, or is that not needed? names Black Stranger. if you want my real name pay up with your life no one needs it after they're dead, but you can call me bullet hole. any trips to certain death sounds good to me. im in and im ready." he shoots the shop keeper in the hand."and you need to pay off your debt now or ill kill you." shop keeper passes him five hundred dollars."lets go when your ready."
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rouge palace

in te deepest heart of te deadly river lies a small town made for ladies....amazons they call it and is known by its dangerous obstacles...

"no man can enter...and if you take a route to hell..."
tis came from te thought of te most dangerous leader te pact have...stands by te name Alexadria. :indian:


"so ya think you can scare me little lady, i've killed my share, one more is nothing to me."


[[excuse me i thought youre around where te two guys were...and i was narrating mah entry...:( anyway...hmmm..let's see]]

in te blink of an eye te eerie feeling starts to arise as te ground start to move and eyes are all on te man in front of te lady sitting on her throne...

behind te big throne came four bloody arms of amazons looking straight in te eye of te a flash one of em make in behind te man and put a sharp crystal on a man's neck...a lil move will made his neck bleed... cause its known for its sharpness...


Aiyana stood nearby in the majestical forrest. She watched as her queen Alexadria pulled the man towards her with the arms of the Rogue River.


"Sure stranger. You're welcome to go with us. I understand you're a good shot with that?" Points at his gun. "But keep things calm...I don't want more trouble than I'm in now."


((OK, let's sort this out. Angel and Virginia are in the town of the river. Me and the guys are still in the town miles away. We'll meet eventually.))
Kaatis unslung his rifle when Bullet Hole shot the shopkeeper, and then pointed it straight at Bullet's neck.

"You should not have shot this man. I do not find you trustworthy." He said. Bullet laughed.

"You wanna put that thing down, injun?" He said. "This man owes me a great deal of money. I got a reason for shootin' him!"
Kaatis lowered his rifle and barged past Bullet, to get to the shopkeeper. He wrapped his hand in a bandage and then turned to Greg. "I will still come with you on this journey, but don't expect me to hunt food for this man." He pointed at Bullet.


Greg nodded. "I agree with you Kaatis." He turned to Bullet. "That "injun" is considered a friend stranger. You can come with us 'cause I need the manpower but if you try anything like that again I'll let m'a friend here have his way with you."
Greg walked outside the shop.
"What have I got myself into now..."
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As the men walked out of the general store, Black Lord fell to the ground.
“What in the world?!” said Greg. The others ran up to him. Greg bent down and shook him; he was out cold.
“Hurry, call the doctor!” yelled Greg. However, the doctor was close enough by to here Greg yell. The old man shuffled over as fast as he could. However, by the time the doctor got to Black Lord, he was stirring from his unconsciousness. Black Lord groaned.
“He’s alright!” said Greg. Black Lord got up slowly.
“My . . . that was weird,” said Black Lord slowly.
“What happened?” asked Kaatis.
“I just had the strangest dream,” said Black Lord uncertainly, “I was standing on a river bank when these great arms came up from the waters and grabbed me. Then I saw this beautiful woman sitting upon a throne; the arms seemed to do her bidding. Then one of the arms held a razor sharp crystal to my neck. However, she did not cut me; it was as if she was playing with me – testing me to see what I would do. Then . . . I woke up.”
“This has happened before,” said the old doctor. Everyone looked at him.
“Everyone who wants to explore or learn more about the Rogue River come to this little town. All the expeditions have started here. Several men, preparing to explore the Rogue River Valley, have fallen into trances on these streets. Some men have been driven away with fear after seeing these visions; for others, it has just spurred them on. However, none have ever returned from that valley. I urge you men to ponder this before you make any foolish decisions.” With that, the old doctor left.

((Now don’t you think that is a better way to merge the girl’s little story with the boys?))


((Yep. That works for me.))
Kaatis hauled Bullet up roughly, and then asked: "Will you continue? I wish to go on this journey, and if you are going to quit, make it now. I won't send you back to town with half of our supplies because you get scared when you're halfway there."


"You kiddin'? There is no turning back...I'd rather take my chances at that river than at the end of a noose..." Greg stared at the indian.
"Erhm...3 men and 1 horse..."


"You may take the horse. I will walk." Kaatis said. He didn't need any help crossing the desert, so the horse should go to someone who needed it more.