Please tell me this is fake...


I laughed at the mis-spellings. If this is true though then I believe that this meme comes into play:



No, Elymr, I read some more of the blog, this guy is dead serious, dead thick too.


Going to have to say, I am reasonably confident it is not satire. In my travels through the U.S., I encountered many such fully functional nutballs. In fact, I heard similar rambles from Bible-toting evangelists. And yes, I sat in a few pews to listen in on the heart of America's insanity.


Agreed HS. Zem, mind if I borrow that meme off you? I am in need of it...


It's not mine, it's the world's. Of course memes are actually the satanic spawn of hell sent to cause us to sin by laughing. we must walk all over the usa living on nothing and flogging ourselves and give all your money to me so I may put it towards a "better" cause.


Lol R2B2, this guy is a little off his rocker no? This though is not the first time i have heard a argument referring george lucas to a satanic devil worshiper and his movies to be his propaganda me personally i dont think there is any correlation here


Agreed. this fella's just mental, I almost feel sorry for him, or at least, I would if I felt emotion...


Look at that boys and girls…we finally found it! The crocko-space-duck! The first non-pokemon evidence of evolution ever produced by the evilutionists!!! Sadly, this was created in a Hollywood basement, much like Piltdown Man was created in the basement of a sinner. Sinful, sinful stuff.

XD non-pokemone evidence of evolution!!!

I can't stop laughing..:D


Ladies and gentleman, the mother of all fallacies:
It is a proven fact that Star Wars pre-dates the rise in popularity of Wicca in America, thus showing that the pagan principles in Star Wars led to the growth of Wicca.


This guy is just priceless, especially this bit;

P.S. At least Lucas got one thing right. He made the Muslim heathens out to look as ridiculous and uncivilized as they are. Check out what Muslims look like in Star Wars:

Now THAT’S a terrorist if I’ve ever seen one!

What is wrong with this guy???????


Hehe, the more I review his stuff, the more I think he is trying to pull everyone's leg.


I seriously do hope so. I'd laugh if one day he saw the light and converted to Islam or even better became a Jedi. I would laugh so much.


This has to be a joke, right? I'm having fun reading some of the publicly posted commentary attached to the site.

Long fly the flying spaghetti monster!

edit: I just went to their site and clicked 'March 2013'. That opened up even more ridiculousness of the hilarity kind.
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I am a catholic, but I laughed all the time I read this. OMG made my day :laugh: . It's like "Whoa, Star Wars are a fiction movie, bad bad! We must keep people brainwashed!"


Funny, well, at least he's a bit creative............

if he wasn't, how would he make the story? :D

Very weird too.


hahahahahahaha really, that is funny but not another loony in this world making it a blinkered dangerous place to live