Inventory Limits


The game is supposed to be a challenge, just like busting a camper. Figure out what to do with restricted backpack limits. You want it so easy.


No, having it so easy is having a duel delay timer. Argument = FAIL again.


Seems to me there are two teams of devs trying to sabotage each others efforts. On one hand they are introducing new equips and quests, set items etc which require a greater storage capacity then they try to limit the ability to store/keep things.

If its a case of money make it a premium option ..... simples


You've asked for unlimited banking and limitless backpacks.

Isn't that too easy?

You don't like a challenge at all. Heck, why bother playing the game if their is no challenge to it.


You've asked for unlimited banking and limitless backpacks.

Isn't that too easy?

You don't like a challenge at all. Heck, why bother playing the game if their is no challenge to it.
Thank you. Now run to the duel delay thread with that attitude and maybe we can all get along.


Oh it's funny when it gets thrown back at ya. but it's the truth.

If the cool down thread is too easy for us, then so is this idea and limitless banking.

You and others posted on the other thread about this game being a challenge, what happened? Really, What Happened?

Sorry, I say no, the game is and should be a challenge. In all aspects, not just the ones that suit yourselves.


I dont mind backpack limit.
IF we can make use of our hotell room to store our items.
I can see why they dont want us to run aorund with 400 items in the backpack.
Just make it so you have to go back to town and store the extra items you dont use.
I see no point to drag around ****loads of items where ever i go.

To make it flat limit without any other change its crapp simple as that.
Atm i have alot of diffrent gear depending on wich job i wanna do if this go live i have to sell most of it and dont do those jobs anymore.
And i am sure this is the facts for alot of players.


No, I think it enhances game play.

It's a game, it's supposed to be a challenge, which gear to keep, which gear to throw away? If your already wearing all the best gear then it doesn't matter. The rest is junk anyway. Why keep it?

Maybe it will give all that extra cash some people seem to be carrying on them a purpose.

Do you even play this game? There is no "best" hat. Not for every job, and offensive dueling, and defensive dueling, and situational dueling. You say it's about strategy, but not being able to switch hats removes strategy.


Sorry Elmyr, about the best hat thing and how we all have them.
Someone told me that in another thread, so I just went with it.

I do know, every job is different and there are best hats and such for each one. I play too.

Did they ever say, Just how limited it would be? Maybe it won't be that bad. Still you've got decisions to make, what to keep, what to throw away. To me, It's just another challenge. A added element to the game that should have been there all along. A horse can only carry so much, you know.

Personally I think we should keep a storage at our residence in our town. Now that would mean a lot of Adventures would have to join a town, but seriously, how does that horse carry you and all that luggage around. This would add more of a challenge, what do you bring with you? what do you leave behind?


No inventory limit!

If they make an inventory limit, I will post a new thread every day demand that it is removed!

Me angry! :mad: No do this!

Bad Developers! BAD! *smacks developers upside the head*

lol (I'm quite serious, though. I hate the idea of inventory limits.)


If they set a limit on personal storage they will have to put in separate storage especially with forts needing materials to build as previously mentioned. Wether that is in bank, hotel or as saddle bags they will have to decide but you cannot play this game properly without sufficient choice of gear so hopefully this will be sorted.
Maybe they could add a packmule in the general store which allows you to expand your carrying capabilities as you need but at a price. Just a thought for them to mull over. :eek:hmy: could also settle part of the extra animal thread


There was a suggestion for something like pack mules, with all animals increasing your inventory limit, but the problem is it just adds another complication that devs will have to work with to overcome an issue that wouldn't exist without inventory limits being implemented.

If this is a realism issue, how many granite blocks do you think you could carry IRL?


2 Granite Blocks AH AH AH

This rumor is so old (and was listed as something under discussion) has there been any move towards implementing it? Or is Elmyr participating in fear-mongering? It would be an overwhelming shift in game play implementing it suddenly (especilly since not all people read the forums) would cause mass chaos. Implementing it solely on new worlds would effectively create two games..........


According to the IRC with Eiswiesel, it looks like the inventory limits could be implemented in new worlds only. It would basically mean different versions of the game in the different worlds, which was done with Tribal Wars as well.


And it might be easy to blow it off and say, "oh, it's new worlds only", but if you start on one, you'll run into that roadblock and probably hate it.


like a infection it may spread from those worlds into the whole system as well


i find the idea unlikable......either the cap will be so high as to not effect most players (except the chronic hoarders) or so low as to piiss everyone off (without a work around like in town storage)


I vote NO to limits on backpack.

I'm not a hoarder, it's not my game plan to collect one piece of each available item and product, so I started to sell things I thought I wouldn't need anymore. I sold my donkeys and my metal crosses because I bought better riding animals and I wanted some better neckbands, I started to clean out of my rags and ponchos because I thought I wouldn't need them anymore as I had got better items for my jobs, but then the item sets were implemented where both the donkey, the mustang, the metal cross (I'm a female in the game!), and the brown poncho were needed if I wanted the extra points from the item sets. So I had to go and buy new brown ponchos, new donkeys, new mustangs, new metal crosses, and that really sucks! :mad:

So now I won't sell anything more from my inventory even I don't use it anymore, I don't want to have to spend game money on similar things later on if/when they suddenly becomes handy again.


Job based item sets and inventory limits, 2 ideas that just don't work together.

I suspect they will introduce it though, it means less character data store.


Did they ever say, Just how limited it would be? Maybe it won't be that bad. Still you've got decisions to make, what to keep, what to throw away. To me, It's just another challenge. A added element to the game that should have been there all along. A horse can only carry so much, you know.

Personally I think we should keep a storage at our residence in our town. Now that would mean a lot of Adventures would have to join a town, but seriously, how does that horse carry you and all that luggage around. This would add more of a challenge, what do you bring with you? what do you leave behind?

I understand where you're coming from, but there isn't enough in the rest of the game to make this a worthwhile overhead. As it has been articulated, it doesn't have any gaming benefit - it doesn't make playing more fun. If they were to create mechanisms for reselling items, personal storage, encumbrance, and so on, you'd have a point. As it stands there seems to be no good reason for doing it now.

If you put a restricted inventory into today's game, you force more cash into the worlds sooner, which allows people to buy more, which forces them to sell more. Much sooner than in pre-restricted worlds you end up with everybody carrying tens of thousands of dollars around which they don't care if they lose, since nobody in the world can spend any money.

In other words its a closer mudflated end-game than today - a likely net loss for both having fun and for retaining players.