You Know You Play To Much "The West" When You...


You call in to work and say you can't come in because your motivation is too low and you're shocked when you get fired.


you pass out and when you wake up you'r sharked to realize that you'r not in a hotel


Just thought of this one as my popcorn burned to a crisp! (just kidding but it made me laugh)
You know you play too much west when you only set your microwave timer for 10min, 30 min, 1hr or 2hrs!


when you think that after leveing town you must wait 2 hours to go to another one =)


You know you play to much the west when some come into a forum and go give me my regular and you don't even have to thank about what the regular is.


You know you play to much the west when some come into a forum and go give me my regular and you don't even have to thank about what the regular is.

not very nice :eek:hmy:

when you sell win for free


put a gun to his head and pull the trigger duhz

you steal horses for 2 hours and expect to get no horses saddles and 100- 200 $


oh... man ruined me self >.<

expect for a sherif to tell you to steal a flag


*Asks a town councilor if I can go shopping there*

I must play way too much...I ask the mayor. "I'd like to buy a shirt at your town's Old Navy. I'll donate $100!"

You see the population of NYC and say "whoa...what's their residence level?"


you know you play too much the west when you are failing school because of it


you know you play too much west when you tell other forum posters that if they need to spread around reputation points before they can give it to their friend to give it to me!!!
(hint) :)