WW2 squad command, DUNKIRK 1940.

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"FALL BACK! NOW!" tom fired a few rounds in the direction of the panzergrenadiers before running out of the wood and into a ruined building, he looked up and saw a stuka heading towards the matildas.


Branches and leaves were falling as Holt emptied the entire magazine of the MG into the birch. "That should do it." "That it should, Holt, that it should," said Geier, grinning, as he chambered a round. He slowly raised his head... Found the birch... Caught the snipers head into the crosshair... It was a young tommy "Looks a lot like Fritz (Geiers son)" he thought to himself, "This is wrong..." He pulled the trigger. Shot. Bullseye.

"Tend to Kutschera! Open fire on the tommies! Stay in cover, there are still more of them than us. MOVE IT!" But most of the Tommies had already reached (relative) safety. "Donnerwetter. Cease fire. They got away." "But sir, why won't we follow them?" "Firstly beacause there are still at least 50 of them left. There are 8 of us. Agreed? Secondly because if we would move to their direction, we would walk straight in front of the guns of those Matildas. We are not panzers, we're panzergrenadiers. Agreed?" "Yes, sir!" "Which leads me to believe that there is no reason why we shouldn't have a cigarette break while the tankmen and Stukas finish the Matildas," he said, grinning. He found his cigarettes from his pocket and lit one. He inhaled, blew the smoke out through his nose, while resting his back against a tree and thinking: "That's just what I need."


tom looked at his compass, and then looked at the small map he'd been given when he was deployed. in theory, dunkirk was about five or six miles away. he was facing the right direction, but tom wasn't going to move an inch. not with those stukas around.


The Frenchmen seeing the map and Dunkirk beach decided that in the chaos of the situation getting closer to Dunkirk was neccessary. "Move!" Jean called out and the entire unit went into a headlong run towards Dunkirk under the cover of trees...


Geier took a sip of cognac from his field bottle. Prime stuff.

"Vetter you lazy schwein, go see if the panzers have finished of those Matildas," Geier said as he finished his cigarette. Vetter dissappeared into the bushes.


tom saw the frenchmen running towards him. he pointed at the stuka and gestured for them to get to cover. suddenly he was thrown over the ruined wall when a bomb landed around 10 metres behind him, most of the british were dead. there was blood and limbs everywhere. tom heard the cries of the wounded but he could do nothing.


(I noticed some brooding, over this thread's death, so lets hurry up and end it.) The Frenchmen fled INTO the woods, watching as the British stragglers behind them were engulfed in gun fire. "This is mad sir!" yelled Dugal. "This is war Jean screamed as the French charged ever onward hoping to find a way through the beach head. They finally reached the crest of a hil, and as they listened to gunfire and explosions all around they noticed it... "SIR! The ships, they must be the last!" "Come Frenchy boys, this way!" The Frenchmen noticed some British troopers in a foxhole whose message Dugal quickly translated. Dugal then indicatd there wounds. "You best hurry then, these will be more than likely the last boats." Dugal asked, "Are you not coming?" "No, no we will stay here and help hold the lines, it's fellas like you Frenchmen who need to ge out, so the people figure that the French failed us. We, well we will be missed, but if we are hard pressed we shall surrender." "You mean?" "Move! The stukas could show up at any point and turn that beach into a slaughterhouse! NOW RUN!" "Well, farewell and goodluck." "Goodluck to you too." Dugal indicated that the Frenchmen should run and so they did. They managed to reach the shore where many people were trying to get onto some smalll boats. In the background gunfire could be heard closer, which made all the soldiers ready to leave even more uneasy. Jean noticed a tugboat coming in which many of the others had yet to notice. He then yelled to move to the tugboat in French, and so it was that they moved into the shallows and were brought aboard the ship. Meanwhile a flood of British followed, soon filling up the tug. The boat, after being loaded probably beyond its capacity then traveled to Britain. As, they left the shore of Dunkirk Jean looked for what he hoped would not be his last look of France, "Glorious mother France", he muttered to himself,"We shall be back." The tug continued on its journey across England's moat, and the sounds of war got slightly duller as the shore got more distant, nonetheless far from shore the sounds of a new war emnated. The cry of the Stuka, the chatter of the automatic gun, the roar of cannon fire from tank or artillery. That was Dunkirk...


As Vetter returned to report that the Matildas were destroyed Geier rushed his squad to the halftrack. They joined with other scattered German squads and tanks and defeated the last pockets of Allied resistance, capturing or killing the remaining soldiers. They soon reached the outskirts of the harbor. It was a complete mayhem. Geier ordered his makeshift unit to an advance.

Machine guns cut into German ranks, tank treads grinded the dead and the wounded into a mess of blood and mud. The Germans pushed ahead. The Allies put up a ferocious resistance. They fought for every building, every room, every inch of ground. Both sides suffered heavy losses, but neither surrendered. High command had ordered the ground forces' advance too late. The Allies gave up when the last ships had left the harbor. Many of the Allied troops made it to England alive. The day had come to an end. The battlefield was being folded into the darkness.

Later, as Geier stood on the pier and watched the last ships disappear into the coming darkness he thought: "We have not seen the last of them."


Klein emerged from his tank, with his crew following. They had done all they could for the German effort, all there was to do was to try to get some rest. Sure, the allies had escaped, but not without great cost. The miraculous evacuation of Dunkirk had only delayed the inevitable. One day, all the world would fall before the might of the Third Reich.

(I guess this is over now. I think everyone should give a last post, then we should have it locked.)


(okay then, final post, i'll get regal to lock this thread. time to start researching for STALINGRAD...)

tom peered over the crest of the ridge and looked at the beach. the last british ships had left for england, and the germans were rounding up prisoners. tom swore under his breath. he moved back into the woods and waited for the cover of darkness...

as soon as the night fell, he and the british troops who had survived the stuka bomb silently crept towards a small rowing boat on the beach. they could hear the sound of the germans celebrating in the port. tom and his comrades climbed into the boat and set sail for england...


okay, i'll just say what happened to all our characters;

tom fletcher and the other british eventually made their way to dover, and were sent off for retraining. a year later tom volunteered to join 11 SAS battalion (which was later renamed as 1st paracute battalion).

jean and the rest of the french eventually joined up to the free french commando forces.

klein and vetter spent a year in france before being sent to the eastern front to take part in operation barbarossa, the invasion of russia.

okay. that's everything. regal, LOCK THIS THREAD!
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