World setup changes

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 4230896
  • Start date

Higher cost for fort battle or bans for those not attending

  • Higher cost

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • Ban players when not showing up

    Votes: 16 66.7%

  • Total voters
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I think most of us don't actually want to see anyone getting banned, just for them to stop making absolutely pointless, uncompetitive, fights multiple times a day and engage with people constructively.

Owning a fort holds no advantages for any individual, town, or alliance in this game, their only purpose is to have fort fights, so naturally, fort towns build, fight over and tend to own them, Colorado is unique afaik for reserving some forts for the "small guys" too, we once had such a player base that could support small alliance battles in parallel with big alliance battles.
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Deleted User - 4139925

The beauty of this thread is that I see personal enemies all agreeing that what you and NP and the other guy are doing is counter to the interests and enjoyment of the Fort Fighting community on this world.

that basically sums it all up

This is amazing, Ban players and rig the game so only a special select people can hold towns and own forts, wow

How can you all even sit and make suggestions like this, do you all realise if you all arrange to have me banned or removed from my town if this happens to me, it can happen to anyone of you all as well when the next issue arises that how many do I see here campaigning for these draconian acts, roughly less than 10 people have decided how a game will be played for over 1500 people, that are living in fear or just so numb to the fact that they can actually own a fort because as I hear repeated here countless times just let the two big alliance own everything and if you wish go ask them for some scraps.

Well, when someone steps up to start battles what happens a dozen spoilt players demand those people get banned and removed from their towns, along with increase the fees to astronomical amounts, oh and now rig the game to 50% show up, how in gods name is anyone supposes to play and own forts in these apartheid type rules.

No this is totally wrong, no one is trying to ruin a game for anyone other than all of you demanding the measures you all are because you all don't want to play as the game was intended and created.

such a basic troll
if you really wanted anything to do with the real fort fights, you'd try to redeem yourself. yet all you do is inventing things to make it seem like you're the victim and the rest of us are "campaigning for these draconian acts" :-D. i think the credibility boat sailed when you dug your first multi

ontopic: i think more variety and being more specific with the solutions in the poll would help more...bit late now

Poker Alice

Well-Known Member
Roffo Snake is just as entitled to offer his opinion as anyone else? Doing so does not constitute him as being a troll I think.

He wrote something which got me thinking. Can you answer this question for me. Why in this forum do members decide what members deserve to be judged and then hanged - banned? I don't claim to understand all the issues around forts yet because I don't. But I do question the nature of many of these posts in this thread because to me, it is not a fair vote, not really, is it a gang of bullies wanting to get their way?

A video game should not have banning rules enforced for clicking on a function regardless of how annoying it might be. From what I understand so far this is all about multi-fort-attacks. They are annoying. That's it! Annoying. Big deal. This is crazy!

Deleted User - 4230896

This is amazing, Ban players and rig the game so only a special select people can hold towns and own forts, wow

How can you all even sit and make suggestions like this, do you all realise if you all arrange to have me banned or removed from my town if this happens to me, it can happen to anyone of you all as well when the next issue arises that how many do I see here campaigning for these draconian acts, roughly less than 10 people have decided how a game will be played for over 1500 people, that are living in fear or just so numb to the fact that they can actually own a fort because as I hear repeated here countless times just let the two big alliance own everything and if you wish go ask them for some scraps.

Well, when someone steps up to start battles what happens a dozen spoilt players demand those people get banned and removed from their towns, along with increase the fees to astronomical amounts, oh and now rig the game to 50% show up, how in gods name is anyone supposes to play and own forts in these apartheid type rules.

No this is totally wrong, no one is trying to ruin a game for anyone other than all of you demanding the measures you all are because you all don't want to play as the game was intended and created.

WAUW okay... That was some misunderstood reply from you roffo. I think you might have misunderstood the "rules" so to say.

First off, NO one will be banned as a start. This was my very essence of this whole deal. Try and ease you all in to this.. well both talk and "unofficial" rules for Colorado.
So again, you will ONLY get banned, or getting some ban points, if you declare a battle, AND then do not show up.
Once again, we all have lives, stuff can happen, but it seems like a few players do create battles with the sole purpose of just doing that, with no intend to battle in them. THOSE PLAYERS will be getting some serious ban points, if they continue with this behavior.

Next up, yes only 14 people have now answered the poll at top, BUT i did post a message in game on Colorado and telling about this. So EVERYONE have an equal change to come here, talk and answer the poll. No one is left out. All 1500 people. So again. your statement about this is kindda shot down.

And i have mentioned before, that i can lower the cost to the standard payment again, because of this "banpoints" rule. Hence giving all players/town the possibility to battle. with the note as stated above.
So yeah... It actually sounds like, SOME people ARE trying to ruin the game.

Deleted User - 4139925

@Poker Alice with all due respect, how many fort fights have you been to in your the west career? 30 maximum?
did you even play on colorado?
let's keep it between the players that know what they're talking about, not defend trolls just because you think you're a bit more interesting if you're against everyone. every player that replied here has over 1000 battles and come to them everyday

Poker Alice

Well-Known Member
WAUW okay... That was some misunderstood reply from you roffo. I think you might have misunderstood the "rules" so to say.

First off, NO one will be banned as a start. This was my very essence of this whole deal. Try and ease you all in to this.. well both talk and "unofficial" rules for Colorado.
So again, you will ONLY get banned, or getting some ban points, if you declare a battle, AND then do not show up.
Once again, we all have lives, stuff can happen, but it seems like a few players do create battles with the sole purpose of just doing that, with no intend to battle in them. THOSE PLAYERS will be getting some serious ban points, if they continue with this behavior.

Next up, yes only 14 people have now answered the poll at top, BUT i did post a message in game on Colorado and telling about this. So EVERYONE have an equal change to come here, talk and answer the poll. No one is left out. All 1500 people. So again. your statement about this is kindda shot down.

And i have mentioned before, that i can lower the cost to the standard payment again, because of this "banpoints" rule. Hence giving all players/town the possibility to battle. with the note as stated above.
So yeah... It actually sounds like, SOME people ARE trying to ruin the game.
I only want to understand so it is clear. If I join Colorado today then after some time buy a town then attack a fort and place my avatar at the fort which is being attacked but attend to my personal life is that allowed with these unofficial rules?

@Beefmeister with all due respect I am ignoring your request as I want to completely understand this.

Deleted User - 4139925

I only want to understand so it is clear. If I join Colorado today then after some time buy a town then attack a fort and place my avatar at the fort which is being attacked but attend to my personal life is that allowed with these unofficial rules?

@Beefmeister with all due respect I am ignoring your request as I want to completely understand this.

1. towns are not for sale
2. when you dig a fort you're supposed to show up to it, usually to lead it. one time, maybe, if real life comes up, you will miss it. it happened before. it's not a breach of the rules. here, in this topic, we are talking about daily multi digs and diggers not showing up, which are not a coincidence. it is called griefing, digging only to annoy the well intentioned players. it is an abuse. nobody is bullying a certain player, it's not a conspiracy.
3. you didn't play on colorado to see what those mentioned players did until now, why are you even engaging in this conversation? because you are entitled to an opinion?
4. if you join colorado and do exactly the same, starting abusing the dig button only for your personal fun, when other people work their asses to make the only decent world left work, you will be categorized accordingly - as were those 3 players.


Well-Known Member
Roffo Snake is just as entitled to offer his opinion as anyone else? Doing so does not constitute him as being a troll I think.

He wrote something which got me thinking. Can you answer this question for me. Why in this forum do members decide what members deserve to be judged and then hanged - banned? I don't claim to understand all the issues around forts yet because I don't. But I do question the nature of many of these posts in this thread because to me, it is not a fair vote, not really, is it a gang of bullies wanting to get their way?

A video game should not have banning rules enforced for clicking on a function regardless of how annoying it might be. From what I understand so far this is all about multi-fort-attacks. They are annoying. That's it! Annoying. Big deal. This is crazy!
first u need to play on colorado then take part in our fun on fort battle in colorado then u will change your idea , u need to see our orgnize in fort battles in both alliance , we shoot each other when battle start , but after that battle , we are stay together to think what we need to do , to have more better battle for both side ;)
these 3 trolls just wanna mess with whole world players !

Pankreas PorFavor

Well-Known Member
you're just wasting your breath trying to explain Colorado and fort fighting to a player who describes this game like this:

As a player you can only achieve a certain level and that's the end of the road mate. Towns can only be constructed to a certain size except for the church, yes. They can only hold so many players. There are limits and around a year a world turns into a bunch of ghost towns. It's over. Then a new world creation invites players to the west game once more.

Poker Alice

Well-Known Member
first u need to play on colorado then take part in our fun on fort battle in colorado then u will change your idea , u need to see our orgnize in fort battles in both alliance , we shoot each other when battle start , but after that battle , we are stay together to think what we need to do , to have more better battle for both side ;)
these 3 trolls just wanna mess with whole world players !
Thank you for your reply Cooper as it helps me to understand different points of view around fighting in general. I hope you enjoy the activity. At this time I don't think Colorado is for me though it is helpful to understand what is happening as it can easily be applied to others worlds as well. Please don't pay attention to Pankre as he is doesn't understand what he reads. He quoted me but left out the part where I wrote there is an exception when players attempt to invite others to their world like Colorado to keep up attendance and interest.


Well-Known Member
doc pain just dug another battle in prime time :/
we have one full side medium fort battle today , but it seems for tomorrow , we will not have as there is 2 battle dug by doc pain and one of them are in prime time :/

Deadeye Jerry

Well-Known Member
Roffo don't let them lie to you, they banned me in Kansas even without a warning when they clearly stated that they should warn and punish with points first but still they decided to be harsh on me from the start so wash your neck because you are next :X


Well-Known Member
Well it seems the nuns are doubling down again digging more forts though we managed to get a full on both sides prime battle finally since they eased off but don't expect that to last if this continues...also the prime attack victory the other day is a fluke that happens once a month or so but by all means we still need that tank attack set if it is ever going to come out anytime soon.

Poker Alice

Well-Known Member
Roffo don't let them lie to you, they banned me in Kansas even without a warning when they clearly stated that they should warn and punish with points first but still they decided to be harsh on me from the start so wash your neck because you are next :X
God hates a lie.

Tell me if I am wrong here. Is this not all about power tripping inside a old incomplete video game that doesn't have any technical support to fix functional issues that members are finding they don't like but about the all so powerful becoming annoyed by the less powerful. If a member attacks a fort multiple times that disrupts the big bosses who want to control the whole show. If they are so powerful and loose a fort to some rogue why not just take the tiny little fort dot on the western map back later? It isn't the end of the world. No they are just annoyed and ha ha like a mob boss have been disrespected!

Disrespected really? Because they have played this small little insignificant game for too many years actually think they are the rulers of the whole world with their shallow ego's. This fighting over forts is not about fair game play. I am not yet convinced that these petty little challenges is about anyone ruining the game or grieving others. It is only about their tiny little ego's. It is not a game function at all but a people function. It is the behavior of a bunch of spoiled adult children. If you have played this silly game for too many years and still fighting over it you should be pitied not admired.

@Poker Alice with all due respect, how many fort fights have you been to in your the west career? 30 maximum?
did you even play on colorado?
let's keep it between the players that know what they're talking about, not defend trolls just because you think you're a bit more interesting if you're against everyone. every player that replied here has over 1000 battles and come to them everyday
I also know what I am talking about. What gives you the right to tell me how and when I can write on this forum? I am not against everyone just the internet bullies. I am not convinced that members being called trolls are trolls just because some member says they are. Maybe they just don't like being pushed around by people like you and responding to it.

Respect my butt.

you're just wasting your breath trying to explain Colorado and fort fighting to a player who describes this game like this:
you can quote that too

For the record, Colorado was opened in 2011 :

And has been the most consistent longer than any other.
Big Deal!

Deleted User - 4230896

Can we stop now with the personal attacks thank you.
As a sum up, before i close this topic, because i think we are about done with this conversation.

As per the poll on top, it looks like people want a ban/punish point for those declaring fort battles and doing it on purpose.
SO from today and forward, i will nok give 5 ban points. Especially if you declare a battle, and not even bother putting your self on the battle map.

This is kindda personal information, but just to show i mean business, YES i have giving Doc Paine 5 punish points today.
If you cant even bother putting your character on the fort battle, what are you even doing. !!!!

I have now reduced the price for the battles so it is back to where you all started. Again from my point of view, everyone is allowed to call a battle. BUT please check the list to see if your fort battle might be to close to another. Then maybe wait so we can all have some "peace" / great fort battle fights.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Nyborg, well done! (For now)

Big Deal!
Sure is. Because it is so, despite the disruptive efforts of people like you.

But I still find it ironic that while you complain of the servers that "die" within a year (because their PvPs are, surprise surprise) , like we do, you still can't appreciate the "Old" one that didn't.

Then you wonder why we suspect that you are troll or mentally unstable?
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