world five


Can someone please explain waht is going on with world 5 I have not been able to log on for two days & Iam startinfg to get very upset. I pay for premiums on this game & to lose towo or more days really not fair I wouls like to be reimburst for lost time or have my premium extended I work hard for my money. very disappointed:mad:



this sucks!!!!! w5 is down since today, and I can log in but when I do it the screen is black!!

that's the reason why I don't pay for premium anymore!!!!!

It is sooooooo unreliable!!!!!


They are doing an update. Message said it would take only 15 minutes .. well , 8 hours have gone by , I was just able to get into world 5 about 30 minutes ago, but everything is in German and I can't navigate. I can't get into my town and I can't get to my character to do jobs or put it to sleep. The large and mini map is just a black screen. I also have paid for premiums. Don't know what to tell you. I hope this is over with soon. I'm having withdrawl symptoms.. the "shakes" already. LOL j/k


As of 10 minutes ago , it's up and running properly. Ahhhh ! ; )