Workers Quests


I have come to the final quest for the workers with 3 decisions.

With a high construction rating, im thinking of taking Maya's offer.

has anyone completed the quests?

If so what did you choose?



I was planning on the Sheriff's when I get there, or possibly Maya's. No way I'm doing another 16 wood...the devs are obsessed with turning us all into lumberjacks.


I was hoping there is no bad luck for taking the money especially when it said this

Hint: You have three options to end the story. Your choice cannot be undone

but maybe im reading too much into it.

Last time i went with Maya i found out I should have gone with Waupee


I prefer the sheriff's xp and extra 2 points (wich I can just reskill)


eh, with those 2 pts I can boast my ego even more for having high construction :p
(and 3k xp is almost a full lvl so that's a +)


I was planning on the Sheriff's when I get there, or possibly Maya's. No way I'm doing another 16 wood...the devs are obsessed with turning us all into lumberjacks.
And when they say we sleep all night and we work all day, we really do. Well, unless we buy premium.