worker class questions


What are the differerances between the pilgrim and the craftswoman?

Which one is the best for a town's building and growth?


Nashy (as himself)
No difference at all, all the workers get the same four worker bonuses regardless of what worker avatar you choose.


Yep no difference...both get awful character bonuses...

Even if you are going to be a builder...choose a different class...long term you'll regret being a builder class because long term the bonuses become redundant.

Consider going the solider route, you get a 50% HP bonus...which for a worker mounts up to a lot resulting in you being a more effective fort fighter :) and you also get your weaponry somewhat earlier which will maybe help defend your honour from those worker hitting duelists...maybe



I reget picking a buildier on W9 NO good things about being a Workers class now be A soldier then you can RE-SKILL later in the game and became an brilliant dueler if you want plus soldiers get 50% extra tatics in duels which also help but you should learn more about that when you want to re-skill and GOOD LUCK


The only reason to chose the builder class is if you want to be builder. If you dot want to build DONT chose it. I chose the builder class on only one world, but there I am the #1 builder and it helps, otherwise... useless.