Resolved Worker class bonus question


hey i couldn't find this anywhere so sorry if it is. when it says

"In fort battles, the bonus of your sector is increased by 40% for you" does this just mean the workers tower or is it any sector?


From any sector that doesn't provide negative bonuses. Buildings, walls, towers, all count, but not the the flag sectors where bonuses are negative.

Remember that this will change with the next update. First, workers' bonus will drop from 40% to 30%. Also, a worker won't have %bonus on class specific bonus while on worker's tower. It means this, your class bonus will be derived from base sector bonus and then the worker tower's bonus adds to it - if you're placed on worker's tower. But that is for the next update, in current version your 40% bonus uses everything from worker's tower which means - workers are currently perhaps the best fort fighters.
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thanks joxer. seems to me that the worker class might be just as good as the soldier class in fort battles then. extra hp and possibly a slightly better weapon vs the sector bonus.