Withdrawing Money From Bank


I put some money into a Bank in my town. I did not donate it. I stored it in my bank in the town.
So it should be accessible to get back.

I know that when buying something you do not have to withdraw it, because it does that automatically so you do not have to withdraw it, so you may be saying why you trying to withdraw it then?

I want to withdraw it because I want to found my own town and I need the money. So if you can tell me how I get my hands on my own money that would be nice. :p

Thankyou Very Much.


I don't think this is possible, you could try put a support ticket in and tell them your problem. Also I would suggest making sure you know what your doing before founding a town.


* u cant found a town if u r already a member of a town.
* u can only get that money back unused if u leave the town


There you go question answered. I would suggest looking around the forums about founding towns before doing so.


Founding the town is the easy part. Building it up is very difficult. Make sure you know what you're doing.
If you don't have very good/excellent/fantastic construction skills (or have a builder come over to your new town), the level 1 hotel might cost up to $2400...


In fact there is a way to withdraw, though Im not sure it is really 'official'.

suppose you have $0 in cash and $500 in bank. Start a construction in your town for 2 hours from own money (that will cost you $240). Then right after starting it cancel the job again.

The $240 will be in your cash now.

If you need more, start 2 jobs at 2 hours each, you'll be able to get $480 in cash etc.
