Feedback Wiki

Killer Bonnie

Well-Known Member
Knowledge base doesn't show all quests and I don't see a place there to view Complete sets or any sets at all. On Wiki we see the complete set rather than in parts (clothes seperate from ride sets separated from weapons sets). Please add new sets to Wiki


Ex-Team Member
Inno abandoned the game long ago. Not sure why you think a new mod is gonna create anything significant as far as gameplay goes.

Snr Sarg

Well-Known Member
Knowledge base doesn't show all quests and I don't see a place there to view Complete sets or any sets at all. On Wiki we see the complete set rather than in parts (clothes seperate from ride sets separated from weapons sets). Please add new sets to Wiki
where even is this fabled 'Knowledge Base'???

Harriet Oleson

Well-Known Member
IMO not updating the wiki anymore is a seriously bad thing to do : regarding sets but also regarding absolutely everything else. If new players can't know how to play the game, that's really worrysome for the game in a general way. Cause to come back to things like primary and secondary resistance or distance penalty for example, that's not something that players can find out by themselves. So if they weren't here when the changes happened, they just can't know the system was changed and what's written in the wiki is currently wrong.

Knowledge Base only mentions quests and achievements; not even all quests are there, there's no "calendar" neither about them as in the wiki, and there's absolutely nothing in it about how the game works, what sets we can find into the game nor a tool to calculate how much AP/SP/bonuses the sets give according to our level etc. That's a pretty usefull tool to help to know what gear is better than our current best one, and so what gear we should get/buy. Even the rules of the game refer to a link to the wiki (being in the support or the forum homepage), or the help option we can find directly in game : it's a link to the wiki, not to Knowledge Base. The wiki is supposed to be THE official reference to go when we are looking for something regarding the game -the game itself says it so-, and here it's not updated anymore since a rather long time, while the new Knowledge Base is missing lots of important datas, as well as it's pretty badly indexed so difficultly findable.

If everything from the wiki is supposed to be put in KB little by little and only then be better indexed, why not, but in the meantime the wiki should still be updated. Cause seems like the "little by little" may last a looooong time. And with time, all of this can only become more and more penalizing for players.


Well-Known Member
it also seems wrong that other language wiki's are still being updated, but not the English one.
Translator programs are helpful, but when you are looking for a specific quest it often isn't under the alphabetical letter it would be in English, making it a puzzle to locate


The West Team
Wiki editor
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In-Game Supporter
I will be on it today lads. I’ve spoken to the higher ones and it’s ok now.
You should have it all updated by tomorrow.
I will be away after for two weeks so please post here if anything is missing and I will catch up when I come back.


Well-Known Member
German wiki has everything i think and very detailed i learned lots of stuff from there. While net is supposed to be the biggest market it doesn't really look like it is as serious as the other ones both in terms of players and management


The West Team
Wiki editor
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In-Game Supporter


Well-Known Member
I will be on it today lads. I’ve spoken to the higher ones and it’s ok now.
You should have it all updated by tomorrow.
I will be away after for two weeks so please post here if anything is missing and I will catch up when I come back.
The FF page needs an update/rework.
I hate to be the annoying one but the FF page is still filled with outdated information.