What other forums do you post at?



I post at a few different ones, some I have the same username, some I don't, but I'll leave that for you to figure out.

James Randi Educational Foundation - I would highly recommend that most of you stay away from this forum. It's a forum whose purpose is to promote critical and logical thinking. It's basically a skeptics debate forum. I don't post there too often, maybe a couple of posts a day. Most of what goes on there is honestly above my head, especially when they get into the discussions about physics, but it's an interesting read nevertheless.

Exit Mundi - If you haven't heard of this site yet, you're really missing out. It's a site that brings together end-of-the-world scenarios. I'm going to make a seperate thread for this later so don't worry if you can't manage to find a link from the forums to the actual website.

Yahoo Answers - Not sure if this even qualifies as a forum but I frequent this site as well. It's very useful on so many levels and to date, no other Q & A forum is even half as decent.

So, how about you guys?
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www.slackbrained****wit.com - great site. Try posting on the forum there...


I am brand new to the forum life this is actually my first. Perhaps i will broaden my horizons and check out some of the ones you guys post.


CSICOP is a joke and James Randi isn't all that amazing. Not that I believe in most of the stuff they "debunk", but their methods are about as scientific as Creationism. My favorite is Carl Sagan (who I do respect for popularizing science), but he is such a hypocrite for his criticism of Immanuel Velikovsky and then stealing his work.

I used to be addicted to Yahoo Answers, but I got tired of the crap. Last I looked, after they finally fixed the Top 10 Contributors, I was #2 in Geography, my preferred category. I got tired of the Evolution-Creationism battles there. That's where I realized Creationists just wouldn't accept any scientific arguments, so it's pointless to bother debating.
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I had actually never heard of CSICOP before your post, Elmyr. I am going to spend some time and check out the site since I can't comment on something I'm not familiar with.

I would encourage you check out JREF. It's ran by James Randi (at the helm) but still lead by very respected scientists and academics within the science field. Their methods are very scientific, at least given the context of the challenge. I did a quick search on Sagan within JREF and most of what came up wasn't exactly positive. Perhaps you'll agree more with their method than anything?

Either way, please give the website a chance before making up your mind about it. It's one of the most useful resources on the web.


James Randi and Carl Sagan were both be affiliated with CSICOP (although Sagan is obviously is no longer affiliated with anyone), but I'm not familiar with JREF, although, looking it up, I've heard of Randi's $1 million offer. Half of CSICOP's conclusions seemed to basically be "X can't happen, therefore X didn't happen." Or even better "It's been proven that X doesn't exist, therefore Y doesn't exist."

Like I said, I'm not a big believer in the paranormal, but we don't know everything.



JREF is all about testing. It's ran by scientists who are professionals in their field and definitely know what they're doing. One of the most popular phrases they use on the website is "I'm not saying [insert ghosts, paranormal activity, psychics, etc] don't exist! I just haven't seen proof of it yet." They often run double-blind tests on people who claim to have supernatural abilities. This is far more credible and they don't attempt to dismiss anything with simple words alone.