What is your personality like online v.s. in real life


I think I'm always the same. I'm pretty quiet most of the time. I'm afraid to be a bother. The only exceptions are my family and bf. I like to listen to what people have to say though. My bf can go on and on about something and I won't mind. :) Unless I'm hungry or something. :p


I'm not sure if you could describe me as madder in real life. Is that even possible?


I`m pretty much the same, in real life I just like insulting some annoying people who thinks they are smart, funny etc. and they are not but I don`t do that here cause I would be banned 24/7 and I`m funnier in real life, it`s kinda awkward for me to make jokes on forum(and I don`t speak english so well so I can`t always come up with wright words)


my teeth arent really pointy in real life. i like football- Aussie rules that is
i am 16 quiet around new people i guess.


On the internet, especially on forums, I can be rather blunt, opinionated, and radical. In the real world, I let my gay friends pick out my clothes, and I live my life with very few rules.


im alot more assnine online than in real life to be honest and i tend to express myself better in real life too. My style of humor doesent really fit forums either since sarcasim doesent wrok very often when online.


may i recommend getting used to using the <sarcasm> </sarcasm> tags to emphasize when you are being sarcastic.