What is the objective of the game?!?


could one town rule the world?
could it ever get to a stage where one town members manage to duel and defeat everyone in the world?

to a point where everyone else quits infustration that they keep on getting killed?

Is world domination a viable objective to the game?


i may be incorrect here but when dueling head shots coud also be a factor would i be right in saying that a lucky head shot makes you win the duel instantly and that that's case case so noone can hold this absolute power when i duelled my first ai as i quest i actually killed him before all the rounds were ended with a head shot


sure enough but how would that benefit the game objective? If you get someone, headshot or not, that person can "recucitate" and all is well. What could be added to make it a bit more challenging?

Maybe think about the different roles in the town and what would happen if you'd gang up on the builder of the town or some of the financiers. Would killing them in a duel make them inactive for a few hours? or maybe take away some inventory?


does it cost you anything except some cash when you loose a duel? Maybe the penalty needs to be steaper so that way having a community (town) supporting you would become necessary.


not being funny tho if you want to build a town that costs a hell of a lot of money if i duelled people and beat them and got 150 dollars from them in a duel that's going to save me doing hors of work that expends time and energy.

like i have told my own town members it's duelling that's going to seperate the good and on par with the exceptional.

losing a large sum of money stunts you're growth more than smoking ever could


Ahh yes the gunsligers. Have a look at my thread on town roles. Gunsligers offer protection and bring lots of money in town as they go after other players and towns.


Would of never thought!

Got myself a town here that would like a good holster!


well, im alredy in a town with my tribemates on tw so im not joining anyone right now


For me the objective of this game is..

To RP that you live in the wild western era have fun dueling..and of course meet new friends..