Westboro Baptist church Raises money for West Village Synagouge


I'd love to spam this, but I shan't.
It tastes too much like the sacred deliciousness of the Onion.

I'm spamming at work. wohoo!

BTW: I'd love to see any more news of this sort.


not all christians are right wingers ;)

I never said they were. The Westboro Baptist Church is a Right Wing Hate Group disguised in the mantle of Religion. In fact I hesitate to refer to them as Christian as they seem to violate most (accepted) tenets of that faith. At best they are fundamentalist extremists. For the love of god man these folks picket soldiers' funerals because they claim that US Soldiers dying in Iraq and Afghanistan is God's punishment for this country's tolerance for homosexuality. They are LOONEY TUNES. If you are going to try to be a troll be a troll. If you are going to engage in conversation at least read the provided link and display a modicum of reading comprehension and rational thought. Otherwise you are just Gizmo light all the sense without the random links.


not all christians are right wingers ;)

Now excuse me while I go smoke some crack and sing about the wonders of Socialism, ok?



Me thinks he can dish it out but he can't take it...