WELCOME Dawnrider!


One of the finest campers in the game has now blessed Briscoe with her presence.

She has been camped out in the same town on W10 (Bold City) for a minimum of 2 years straight. In this period she only left when I, or someone else, knocked her back to bed, something that is quite difficult considering that she sleeps ALMOST all the time.

Congraulations to whatever town she now decides to camp out in. She is not a very good dueler, and wont dare hit anyone she suspects will be able to fight back. She will hit anyone else, though, and she wont leave until you make her.

Oh, and btw, if anyone knows her, please tell us more? I'm curious who she is. For years I was never able to get any response from her, not in whispers and not in county chat.

Happy trails.