

Well, I have been thinking for a while now, and I think it is time for a new thread. But this is different then the usual thread. This is a battle, a battle between two sides, consisting of about an equal number of people. This kind of RP is a main part of another forum, and I wanted to bring it here, to try it out.

How it basically works is there are two sides, both trying to complete their objective. Each person takes a turn posting, usually the first post of each person is used to set everyone up. Then, if something big happens, like people getting shot at, the moderator of the thread determines the results. The first team to complete their objective wins.

So, who wants to try it?


Can you explain it a bit more please?I mean what time?Where?Why?Its not enough information. :)


Well, this is just a basic idea. There's no story yet. That will be in another thread if enough people like it.


I like it. But are tje mods of the thread the regular mods or you to determon the mods?


well, I was thinking that mod could be applied for, since this forum was not designed with this kind of thread in mind. But a regular mod could do the job, if they wanted to


That is still in the works. I was thinking maybe it takes place in the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan. If you have other ideas, I would love to hear them


Well I do know a great deal of wars for instance...

The war of the roses

The English civil war

The Napolionic war

World war I

World war II

Some of these may have been done already especialy

The American civil war

Just a few ideas


sure i'll have a go.

perhaps it could be set in korea? vietnam? gulf war? or perhaps the crimean?