W 17 El Paso


Plus, someone could luck into a set if they allow the traveling fair to appear early on.
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If it's very early, those products will be a huge problem.

True, but the fair will auto-fill the products in 7 days. It just lowers the number of days it is open for tries.

I don't think it really matters at this point with all the opportunities to get special items ( bond shop, weekly draw, fair, tombolas ). The new world will start to look like all the others pretty quickly. Not saying it is good or bad, we will just have to deal with things as they are.


you still need to be level 50 to use those sets, and level 80 to use the guns or horses, so that would take 2 days to use the vlothing and like 5 days before you can use the guns, if you want to rush rank


LOL. The way I play I'd be lucky to hit those levels in 2 and 5 months, not days. I'm still trying to decide if I'll play the new world or not. I really only have the time to play the one world I'm currently on ( Colorado ). I may still give it a try in a limited capacity, as I have never been on a new world when it opened.


Yes please open up migration to Dakota ASAP.More Phat targets is always a good thing.


Yes please open up migration to Dakota ASAP.More Phat targets is always a good thing.

you mean you hoarded so many cheapo shiny's that you can sell em for big bucks to those people with fat wallets :D

imo i understand for your personal cash balance you want it, but for worldsake and not for the ace o spades and infinitii's of the world its a bad thing


(Today at 11:32 AM)
El Dorado won't be available for about 5 minutes!


yeah i got told as well it was named el dorado :D but according to the original announcement it shoulda been before 11 october, then later twista said around 15 october(a tad late :D) it would be postponed until further notice so i guess we just got to wait it will get announced anyway if it comes


We decided to wait with the opening of El Dorado until the release of the next major update.


So Desi,

Without being overly specific are we talking days, weeks or months here?