

As Ho'ng Yen gave chase after the fleeing lunatic, she formulated her next move. She knew she was away from the commander and the troops he'd gathered, and had the guide and lunatic in front of her. She was going to just duck out into the bush, when she nearly ran head on into the guide. He was gasping for breath and shook his head as he addressed her. "It's no good. He ran off. All is well though. We have seen his face, and when we report this he'll get caught."

Ho'ng Yen nodded in agreement and asked, "You think we should return to the commander then?" The guide nodded, straightened and began heading off into the jungle towards where they'd come from. She turned and walked behind him as he led the way. He asked, "Do you even know where Yu Chen might be?" She did not respond as she stepped up behind him, flung the sling of her rifle over his head, twisted the rifle in her hands to tighten the sling around his throat, twisted and flung him backwards over her shoulder all in one smooth, trained motion. As he rolled over her back, she heard a resounding crack as his neck broke before his body dropped to the jungle floor.

She heaved upward on her rifle, with the sling still wrapped around his neck, and dragged him off the path and into the dense jungle growth. She crouched down and listened intently to the sounds of the jungle. After hearing nothing, she began searching his corpse. She took a pack of cigarettes and lighter, his credentials and money, a Nagant pistol he'd had tucked at the small of his back, and maps he'd tucked into his shirt. She unwrapped the sling from around his neck. She looked around, slipped her hand into the back of his collar and dragged him into a nearby bush. There she curled him up against the trunk of the plant and concealed his body with underlying vegetation.

She climbed back out from underneath the bush, picked up her rifle and looked around the area.
She masked the drag marks his body had created in the area and off the path she'd killed him on with some more vegetation to make no outward disturbance apparent. She checked her rifle, and hurried off into the jungle towards where she'd last known the corporal to be.
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Jean and the guards arrived in the NVA camp after a long walk and they laid him down on a mat. "*Cough* Stupid VC punks! Unreliable if you ask *COUGH* *Cough* me..." One of the guards turns,"Sir? We were wondering if we could sort of rest for the night, that man left us with much pain..." "NO! I don't want another assasin to show up in the night and kill me! Now turn off the lamp." "Night sir..."


dai used the cover of night as an opputuninty to gather weapons from a VC tunnel, after stealing a kalashnikov from the tunnel, it was time to decide what to do next, after that.. 'encounter' with the fool that was his commander, he knew that the entire NVA and VC would be after him, and he wasn't going to defect the the americans, no. his only chance was to try and escape vietnam...