Update: Version 2.35.4



We are planning on applying the patch to version 2.35.4 on Thursday the 28th of April. Please keep in mind and that the date, time and content of the patch are subject to change.


New questline "The history of The West"

There is a new, short birthday questline starting on the 30th of April (00:00am). There are eight quests, one for each year, centered around a feature implemented that year.
In these quests you can get some new exclusive items. For finishing the final quest, an achievement is being awarded. The quest runs until the 21st of May (00:00am).


A little birthday present
For the 8th birthday of The West all players will be able to redeem a special consumable item to their accounts. The item will give you a nice bonus for your upcoming adventures.
Keep your eyes open for an in-game notification on how to get it.

Easter event items now upgradable/auctionable

The Detective's, Shawnee and Wanderer's sets are now auctionable as well as upgradable.

Changed Shawnee headband graphics
As many of you have mentioned, the hat in the Shawnee set was actually from the Tlingit tribe. We changed the graphic to a more appropriate item.



Missing image in interstitial
Returning players received a special welcome message. A graphic was missing, which has been fixed.

Earning money in your sleep
Under certain circumstances it was possible to earn dollars while asleep. This is no longer possible.

Achievement alignment
The achievement "Phantom of the theater" was not aligned properly in the achievement overview. This has been fixed.

Server becoming unresponsive after fort battles
We implemented additional changes regarding an issue causing server problems at the end of (big) fort battles.

Changes to "The West has a birthday!" questline
To fix a bug with the questline we slightly adjusted how it works. Now you will be able to find the first five candles as soon as the timeframe starts. But from the sixth candle on you have to accept the respective quest to find them.

Fixed an issue with the "Finding Mr. Easter Bunny" questline
The drops for this questline were not identical with the quest runtime. This has been adjusted.

We hope you like the changes this update brings to the game. As always we are looking forward to your feedback!

Best regards
Your The West Team