Trading Center-WA Please join this 20000+ town


Town Name:
Trading Center - WA
Town Rank:
Town Points:
What positions are open:
We are accepting everyone but we do need builders and duelers.
Number of Open Positions:
Town Descriptions:
Everyone is active in our town. We have strong leadership and strong allies. We build up whatever the head build Knk2765 decides. To build you have ask him. I am the moneymaker put in 3000 every week unless fort battles. connorj1206 is or diplomat and head dueler.
Where to contact:
Contact Soccerdog555 in the game or post your name if you want to join and I will send you an invite.


22750+ points

We need more people we have strong alliances and we can have an alliance we SBW if we get 3 more duelers. We could also need some builders.