Town of Skye - Recruiting



Skye will be open for business in an hour or so, space for three active people looking to contribute from the ground up in building a great place to buy a donkey, sell all those excess goods, and swap stories about who had the best luck in a duel.

Location is towards the middle of the map.

Seeking people above level 7, any class ok, but really interested in finding someone interested in becoming a specialist in construction.

If interested send me a message in game.



Can i join please? ill contribute alot im gettin sum good loot and i can build


im lvl 10 adventrur with 250 gold and i'd be willing to help all i can so plze invite me.


I am looking for a town. Currently I'm level 9, haven't picked a class yet. I also currently have 244 gold. Send me a telegram & advise me on how I might fit in your town.