Town for sale


Fully built town for sale in north east.

Will be sold to highest offer.

Please mail me ingame.





Posting a link to the town's shops contents from weststats may make the town more expensive, just a thought. :D


I,ll offer you a .22 between the eyes if you ever get yourself or any of your accounts up to my dueling level.


looking foward to it, gordo.

so, are you going to make bid for the town, or just let it be taken away?


I thought you had already taken it away so why would i put the money into the coffers of someone who would only use it against myself and those i pride myself in association with?


so that you can get it back since you built it, along with others,

And to answer your question Kyle, yes, Neo has a town that he is willing to seel to the highest bidder, so gather your cash! :D


i have a town and i give it for free if someone is interested send me pm ingame!



alright, now, that's a bit uncalled or don't you think? Downing someone else in their own forum and ruining our business, you ought to get your post deleted.


i am pure builder and my town it will be max in 4 hours so i must find someone that wants that town so i could go to build other town!


sorry but my english sux.. you are asking me if i want to be part of eco rocks builder team or i am mistaking?


if you have work for me i will be very happy to take it.. just send me invitation for the town that you want me to build!


alright, w1 bikers town. do you want money or are you just willing to do it for fun?


Please mail Me ingame
the town for sale is fully constructed we took it from our "friends" who took one of our towns thus we dont want it...
it has 6k in treasury,
willing to take minimum of 6k deposited to -Raccoon City-
1st offer will probably be accepted