Town Fairs??


Founding a town you should have some way of making money.. I think that you should be able to have town fairs.. Say you have to pay certain amounts of money for certain things.. like $50 to rent out an apple dunking contest.. people can pay $5 to enter the contest and can win a talent point/money or something like this of some sort.

You can put out bulletins advertising your fair, but are not garenteed to make back the money that you invested renting everything out to bring in customers.. The more advertising of course the more likely the turn out, the more likely people are to spend money, and for you to make your money back and actually make a profit off of the whole shin dig...

This could be much more elaborate so feel free to throw some ideas around.. just trying to get the idea started if it hasnt already, didnt feel like reading. :eek:

btw anyone on world 16??


it might not work since people would ignore the fair especially if there are working.


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I think this would never work. I would not be interested in sending my character to travel to a town just to enter some apple bobbing contest and stuff.

I'd rather save my money.