Toro Town - Open


Toro Town is now open and accepting new members.

We are ideally located for many jobs and situated in the northeast, one square south from the most northeast square.

Here is a quick list of jobs all of which are less than 15 minutes walk (with no speed bonus of any kind) from Toro Town:

Mucking out the stables
Harvesting the fields
Milling grains
Picking berries
Cutting trees
Setting up telegraph poles
Mow pasture
Streaming fishing
Picking corn
Build irrigation system
Demolishing the dam
Tending sheep
Picking tobacco
Selling newspaper
Scaring birds off the field
Digging graves
Picking tomatoes
Picking beans
Picking sugar cane
Tending pigs

And more that I've yet to unlock!

Right now we are in need of a good builder and a good dueler. There is plenty of cash in the treasury so the builder will be put straight to work. If you are interested check me out ingame (my name is the same there) and send me a message either there or here listing your credentials and plans for your character.

Best of luck,
Conrad Reilly.


I sent you a telegram, hope to hear from you soon.

Lvl 4 16/35
Working hard to improve my stats.


Hey I'm looking for a town to join so give me a shout. I'm level 5 with $225 and online everyday trying to stat up.


Hey i will join your town you sound like a nice person and i need all of that stuff i willl send you a telegram thanks


I want to be a member of a town, im level but al get there, im intending to be a dueler or a soldier. but I don't care wich one I take. al telegrath you.


Toro Town is once again open. We're looking for duelers/soldiers and adventurers. Level 10 only. We will take greenhorns if they come across as intelligent and keen to improve.