Time Quest


Has any one else noticed that the quest in previous worlds that were set for 2 hours are also set for 2 hours here.

The problem that I see with this is that 1 hours work is equal to what 2 hours used to be.

I can handle having to do to 1 hour jobs and using the energy, but when it comes to the jobs that were 10 hours that is going to be a lot more energy then previously spent.

Just my opinion maybe the times should be cut in half for this world


I haven't noticed that so far. But I know there is one quest that have "old" time.
It's the ghost town fire fighter and our forum member beverbeverbever noticed that before anyone else (thanks bever! ;)).

What other quest are you referring to?


All of the earlier quests (that I've seen) have their times halved.


me too if you go to west-stats and see the info about quests the times are not updated to half because i guess they are there for all the worlds, but in the new world the times are cut to half.


Umm... yeah, they looked like they've been halved for me.


I was wondering bout the times also. I play on worlds 1 & 9 as well as this new one and I was starting to wonder if I forgot to do some quest that allowed me to do 2 hour blocks of work instead of just the 1 hour blocks.